Goodbye for now

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Quinn's POV

"Hey it's just me." I said once I knock on the door Fénix answered it. I smiled at him he did the same and let me inside.

"Is Lacy here?" I asked him he shook his head.

"She went to the store to get some things she said she'll be back in a hour or so." He said and smiled at me I nodded me head and smiled too.

I took a deep breath and turned to him. "Are you sure you want to be here?" I quickly asked him.

"Yeah. You need my help and you know it." He said i shook my head no even thought I knew I did need him. She nodded his head yeah at at me.

"Whatever." I laughed and walked over to the black couch in the center of the room and put my feet up. He sat down and put my feet across his lap so I could keep them up and he could sit down. I blushed a little.

"Pink face." He mocked me I rolled my eyes.

"Well I can't tell about you because you never take that mask off." I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Your cute, you know that right?" He laughed ignoring the mask comment I made.

"Do you ever take it off when your with people?" I asked him he nodded his head.

"Sometimes." Was all he said then I yawned and stretched my arms and dozed off to my own little dreamland.


I was in my old room listing to Mike and Trish talk about me. "She's going to leave and when she does Lacy will realize that what we did for her is the most important thing we could. When her parents started drugs who were the once who came to her help and let her live here? Huh!" Trish boomed thought out the house.

"What are you doing!" I herd someone from behind me screamed at me it was Monica my body shook I couldn't breath I was to scared? I think I was scared I couldn't tell.

I felt someone grab my wrist and wake me up. Fénix. I think he knew I was having a panic attack. He looked worried but before I knew what was happening he smashed his lips into mine. I felt myself kissing back instead of pulling away. I had a fluttery feeling in my stomach and my knees felt weaker by the second.

"Are you okay?" He asked me taking breaths in between words. I nodded my head.

"What was that for?" I asked him he looked into my eyes like he was staring into my soul.

"You were having a panic attack and holding your breath can stop it so I kissed you. Please don't slap me!" He said fast then put his hands up in defense. I laughed at him and lightly smacked his chest.

"Well thanks for helping me." I said he smiled and then it went silent. Our faces got closer by the seconds I could feel his breath on neck, I think he noticed my breath hitch when he smirked at me.

We stopped at sat up with a jolt when we herd the front door click and open and Lacy came inside Fénix left to go into the bedroom. I rolled my eyes and laughed at Lacy whom was pointing at the whole situation.

"Did I interrupt something?" She asked I got up and walked to her putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Let's just say I've never been more upset to see you." I said with a fake smile plastered across my face.

Her eyes became as wide as saucers with a gigantic ear-to-ear grin to top it off. "Did you finally kiss?" She yelled I laughed as I shushed her, the bedroom door was open I looked back luckily I saw Fénix asleep.

"Bitch shut up!" I said to her laughing, she kept laughed as well thank god she didn't think I was serious.

I could never joke around with my family up here like that unless I wanted to get slapped, grounded or something else like that. It sucked so when I can joke with people, that can take a joke, I do all the time.

"Quinn come here." I herd Fénix say from the bedroom Lacy winked at me. I rolled my red and push her aside.

"What?" I asked coming into the room sitting on the chair in the corner. He pulled out his phone.

"Drago's calling." He said and put the phone on speaker. "Hello." He answered.

"Get down here ASAP." He said into the phone I raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We have a match Wednesday its Monday you two need to get down here." He answered use. Oh god I didn't know it was Monday already.

"Okay we'll be there soon I have to tell Lacy." I said and Fénix hung up the phone.

"Lacy I need to tell you something." I said and all three of us say on the couch.

"Good because I do too." She said with a look of worry flooded all over her face.

"We have to" Fénix explained for me.

Lacy's face filled with disappointment. "What? Why?" She asked nearly speechless.

"We have to get back to work." I reminded her. "You do know I still have a job right?" I asked her, she nodded as a yes.

"Look if you need anything give us a call and we'll bring you down to California okay." Fénix said, Lacy nodded again. "Well I'll get the bags into the car." He said and with that he left me and my life long best friend to talk and say our goodbyes.

I saw a few tears roll down Lacy's face I tried to hold mine back. We stood up and I reached out my arms for her to embrace, she did and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I promise everything will work out." I whispered into her ear.

"Who do you know?" She asked me with her voice quivering like when I was helping Sexy Star.

"I just know." Was all I said. I let her go and began my exit of the room grabbing my bag and cell phone then leaving to the car where Fénix was waiting to drive us to the airport.

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