An opportunity

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"The fallowing Lucha is a trios tag team match scheduled for one fall, introducing first the team of Fénix, Aerostar and Quinn !" Melissa boomed into the microphone, the crowd cheered as Aerostar lead us down the steps me behind him and Fénix in the back doing his water spray thing. I locked eyes with a little girl about seven maybe eight.

"Good luck." She said to me I gave her a hug. "Will you come back?" She asked me.

"As long as you keep smiling I'll always be back." I told her with a smile, and made my way down the remaining steps then up to the ring.

"And their opponents accupionqed to the ring by Catarina, they are the Lucha Underground trios champions, the team of Bario Negro, siniestro de la Muerte and Trece the Disciples of Death." She said and then left the ring as the four others made their way down the steps I glared at the woman I assume was Catarina. She smirked and rose a stone over her head locking eyes with me.

I looked back at Fénix who was glaring at our opponents as well as Catarina. I locked eyes with him and he nodded I knew that he meant it was her. I already hated her and I hardly knew her.

It was me starting off with Bario Negro. I could feel Catarina's eyes on me I shot her a glare. "You see this is how I can tell that Quinn is a rookie." Vamp said.

"How is that Vamp?" Striker asked him.

"Because she took her eyes off her opponent that's how you get hurt, as you can tell he got rocked with that punch." Vamp called it as it was.

I held my jaw as Negro came charging at me I met him with I kick sending him to his knees. I fallowed with more kicks and the I elbowed him across the chin. When I went for another kick he caught me leg and stood up, I couldn't keep this balance for munch longer he was too tall.

I felt hands on my hair ad then my face hit the hard matt. "Well we just had Thanksgiving but Bario Negro may have just ruined Christmas for Quinn as he looks to make a tag to Siniestro De La Muerte." Striker said on commentary.

Negro hoisted me up and threw me in the air so his partner could meet me with a drop kick. I had to make a tag soon or we'll lose. I started to crawl but one of the disciples knocked Aerostar down and pulled me back to the center of the ring.

De La Muerte hooked my leg for the cover.
I kicked out and ran to the corner, I made the tag to Fénix. I saw him look at Catarina and lose focus. "Fénix tener cuidado!" I yelled he turned and saw the bottom of a shoe getting kicked in the face and the gut. Fénix went to the apron of the ring and was about to dive to the inside but Catarina pulled his foot making him fall, hitting his throat on the apron. As he fell I tagged myself in.

I stood by the ropes were Catarina was hoping she'd try to interfere to my approval she did, she stood on the apron across from me and I turned face to face with her. Suministro ran towards me and at the last second I moved and he kicked Catarina. While he was distracted I rolled him up in a schoolgirl.
"Here are your winners Quinn, Aerostar and Fénix!" Melissa Santos yelled and the fans cheered as the ref raised our hands in victory.


"Stop moving!" I said trying to see Fénix's face from when he fell. I jumped on the counter and wrapped my legs around his waist, cupping his face.

"It's just a busted lip." He argued and started to back up. I playfully screamed and wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall.

"Put me down." I said he nodded.

"Alright." He said and dropped me on the carpet not to gently.

"Ow, I think you bruised my butt." I said laughing. "Did she get in your head?" I asked him standing up.

"Not really, she can't get in my head anymore I have you." He said making me blush and smile. He grabbed my hand and put one on my shoulder and the other on my waist.

"I don't like her." I said glaring thinking of how she tried to cheat us out today. Fénix chuckled and pulled me into the bedroom. "What are you doing?" I asked him with a giggle. I never giggle but okay that happened.

"I'm sleeping and you are...I don't know what you want to do." He laughed. I laid down next to him resting my head against his chest. I focused on his tattoo again. The dreamcatcher.

He brushed my fingers away and groaned, I laughed and got up not tired enough to sleep.

I decided to turn on a movie I put in "The Conjuring" which is without a doubt my favorite movie of all time.

I was at one of the nail biting parts where I was just waiting for the jump. "What are you doing?!" Fénix yelled putting his hands on my shoulder making me whip around and almost punched him but he caught my hand.

"You idiot!" I yelled back lightly snaking him in the face. He stared at me with a "are you serious" look on his face. "You scared the pee out of me!" I exploded.

"Did I scare you that much?" He asked laughing at me.

"Yes!" I said back laughing again at myself. Fénix swung himself over the couch and sat by me. "I thought you were sleeping?" I said while popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"I got bored when you left." He said I smirked at him and chuckled.

"What did you expect to get lucky?" I asked slowly moving up from the position I was previously in.

I herd him swallow getting a little nervous. "No." He said looking up at me. "Are we even dating?" He asked with a sly smirk of his own.

That actually made me think a little more about it. Are we dating? He kissed me like three times, but we've never been on an actual date. "I don't know, are we?" I asked backed he looked at the floor.

"I don't know." He answered back to me.

"Hey Fénix." I said quietly he looked up at me raising an eyebrow. "I'm sorry about our date." I apologized to him I really did feel back about it. He chuckled at me.

"Sorry? Quinn you almost broke your knee." He reminded me I lowered my head fixing my gaze on the ground once more. He walked close to me and titled my face to his, inches away. "You don't have to apologize, besides this makes it up to me." He smirked and put his lips on my soon our mouths were moving in unison until I pulled away.

"Thanks." I paused thinking of what I would say next. "About making it up to you.." I started as he snaked an arm around my waist, I laughed. "Do you want to go on our official first date?" I asked him.

He smiled back at me and chuckled. "Sure...tonight." I raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah you go and get ready and I'll plan it." He said I agreed and walked out the door.

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