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"It's definitely sprained, we don't know about broken until we look a little deeper. Do you mind if we do a couple X-rays on it?" The doctor asked hovering around my knee being careful not to touch it.

I nodded my head. "Yes." I responded.

"Okay love let me help you." The nurse at the door said. She was a woman maybe in her mid thirties she was lean and had short red hair, the nurse helped me into a wheelchair and wheeled me out the door. "Okay so you can just slip on these shorts so we can do your x-rays." She soda handing me a pair of red shorts I slipped them in quickly and slipped off my yoga pants.

In the room the lights were dim and there were two other nurses in the room. They all helped me onto a table and told me to relax and let them do everything.

I stayed as still as I could trying not to cry due to the pain. "That's all we need thanks love." Then the same woman wheeled me out and had me change pants again and I was wheeled into the doctors office once more. Only this time I was alone, no doc, no nurse, no Fénix, wait where was he he wasn't in the room to start with?

I pulled out my phone and saw a few texts I haven't seen yet.

Fénix: Hey I'm sorry I'm not with you I had to go back to AÀA talent room for a while they needed something. Text me when you get out and with what's going on, we are all worried. I texted back.

Me: who's we? I asked then I herd the door on the outside click and I lit my phone away giving the doctor my full attention.

"Well good news is it isn't broken, bad news is it is sprained horribly. You will have to test it for at least six weeks." He told me, my heart felt like it was stone sinking into a bottomless pit. My mouth got dry and it felt like there was a lump in my throat. Six weeks? That's really a long time off of work. "Are you ever as active on a daily basis as you were today when the incident happened?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes. Actually I wrestle." I told him he looked even more concerned.

"I don't get why you would want to get hurt for a living." He laughed I did too and he moved on. "Anyways, you will have to take at least six weeks off eight weeks if you want to be certain it's healed properly." The doctor told me after some paper work and other things they gave and a knee brace and had me slip it on.

As I was walking out the the street my phone buzzed again.

Fénix: Me, Dragg, Rey, Aerostar, and Sexy Star. He replied.

My phone buzzed again on a different conversations. I opened it and read it.

Rey: are you out yet?

Me: yeah why?

Rey: me, Puma and Azteca are coming to get you we just got done with interview tapings.

Me: k

Soon enough a car pulled up and Rey was in the front seat. "Hop in back kid." He told me I laughed and did so.

The car ride was pretty silent until Rey spoke up. "So mija what's up with you knee?" He asked me.

"They said it was sprained but not broken and that I'll be out for at least six weeks." I explained. "Eight if I want to be safer." I mumbled.

"That bites." Puma said I think that's also the first time I herd him talk. For some reason that reminded me to text Fénix. I pulled out my phone again.

Me: it's sprained six weeks out at minimum.

Fénix: That makes two of us...

Fire, Space, Fury,.. and the new Girl (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now