Chapter One

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(Dan's pov)
My faded purple converse squeaked on the pavement as I fought through the rain to get to school,which meant I would have hobbit hair today (and I burnt myself twice on the straightener for nothing).

I was wearing my favorite purple jumper, black skinny jeans, and a purple and white flower crown, along with my mint green backpack.

"Sup faggot!" I herd someone shout.

I rarely ever payed attention to people like them, so  I shook my head and kept waking. I was one of the few openly gay boys at our school and to be honest I get those kind of comments a lot.

"Hey Dan!" I saw PJ and Chris waiting for me at the entrance of the building (Holding hands I might add). I waved to them and hurriedly made my way to the doors.

"Hey guys." I said.

"You ready to go inside?" PJ asked Chris.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Chris replied

I dramatically sighed " Will you two lovebirds hurry it up!"

We all burst into fits of giggles as we walked into the school. Or should I say hell. Yes, hell sounds appropriate.

"Fags." Someone called out to Chris and PJ.
I saw Chris put his head down.

"Don't listen to them guys." I tried to help cheer them up, " they're idiots who couldn't count to two even if it came up and punched them in the face."

PJ laughed and Chris shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Dan Howell you are the weirdest most positive person ever." PJ said.

" Thank you." I replied

"See you at lunch Dan ." Chris said

"Bye Guys."

Chris and PJs lockers are technically on the other side of the school. Which really sucks. I finally got to my locker and saw Phil walking down the hall. I turned into my locker to cover my face so he couldn't see me.

The bell rang.

"Shit," I cursed,  "Mrs.shay is gonna kill me."
I slammed my locker shut and ran to first period.

"Dan,your late to class." Mrs.
Shay said fixing her eyebrows.

"Sorry Mrs.Shay" I replied

"It's okay Danny, just don't let it happen again, okkkaaayyy."

"Yes ma'am." I gave her a small two finger salute.

I looked around the room, there was only one seat left, luckily for me that seat was by Troye. Troye was the lead singer in the school choir (our choir teacher said he has ' the voice of a thousand Angels') and was also one of the openly gay boys at our school so he wouldn't mind me sitting by him.

I plopped down in my seat and troye kept glancing at me all of class.
other than that English class went as normal as it would go. Finally the bell rang and I was free.

•Time skip•

The bell rang for 7th period and rushed to Health where Mrs.Hilton was rambling on about how good drugs are for you ( I'm pretty sure she was high).

I slid into the first seat I saw that was open in the back row.

"Daniel Howell." I turned to look at who I was sitting by. None other than Phil Michael Lester.

"Oh sorry,I didn't know, I'll move." I stammered as I picked up my backpack.

"No it's ok. Sit."

I was really nervous but I sat down. I took my time to look at him He had tattoos all over His arms and blue hair dye mixed in with his black hair, he had snake bite lip piercings and an eyebrow bar.

I usually tried to avoid Phil, mainly because he was really intimidating and he could beat me to a plup at any time. Phil eyed me during the beginning of class and kept giving me side glances every now and then which made me queazy. Then I felt a hand on my knee.

I looked over to see Phil. He glanced over at me and gave me a small smirk. I bit my lip and turned about 50 shades of crimson. Phil leaned back in his chair and whispered.

"You know you shouldn't bite your lip, Daniel."
The entire class period he never took his hand off my leg. My anxiety rose even higher when he started to rub little circles into my jeans. The bell rang and I ran out of school and left myself wondering "What the hell was that about?"

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