Twenty one

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Dans pov

I could obviously understand that Phil was uncomfortable with meeting Connor but i could care less right about now because this was my actual best friend and i haven't seen him in forever.

"Well Phil, happy to make your acquaintance." Connor commented.

"Yeah same." Phil mumbled, i could tell he really didn't like Connor but I'm not sure why.

"So, how did this happen?" Connor asked me gesturing to phil.

"Funny story actually." I started, "Maybe we could hangout sometime and i can tell you all about it."

"Sounds A-MAY-ZEING, i look foreword to it."

"Me too." I smiled

Suddenly one of the baristas voices pierced through the moment, "CONNOR FRANTA,"  She yelled.

"Oop, that would be me," he ran up and got his dink which i could only assume to be a salted caramel hot chocolate with the cold weather coming around. "So dan, i gotta run but you HAVE to call me soon, we need to hang out, we need girl talk am-i-rite."

"Oh totally." I said in my Jessica voice.

Connor laughed "Oh my god Jessica." 

"Shes still here bitchhhhh!!!" I exclaimed and we both basically doubled over laughing. I caught a glimpse of Phil and he was not amused.

"Look dan. I gotta run, seriously though, call me."

"Will do." I waved and the store bell rang again as connor walked out.

After a moment of silence I herd Phil.

"So, did you two used to Or like is he not a threat. Like hello." He snapped his fingers.

"Oh-" I turned to look at him "- No we didn't date. Just he was my best friend and I got ripped away from him and we just don't talk much."

"Thats fine i guess." Phil muttered

I dont think phil is too happy about connor's addition to this equation...

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