Chapter Eight

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(Phil's pov)
We have been here for almost 2 hours now, time well spent laughing, cringing, and discussing our favorite youtuber's. The whole time though, I saw a bit of worry of Dan's eyes.
HE looked up at me.
"Do you have a YouTube channel?"
"Yep." I blushed a little. "It's not much of a channel though..."
He gave a small short laugh "I'll have to look it up sometime." I looked into his eyes, he turned a light shade of pink before his eyes dropped.
"Hey, is everything ok?" I asked
"Yeah everything is fine, why?
" I don't know, you have insecurities floating around in your eyes."
"Well, I do have a question."
"Ask away." I bet it was going to be about Louise, I could see it in his eyes.
He leaned in close.
"Do you like Louise?"
Called it.
"No, she is pretty but I've got my eye on someone else."
"Oh." I saw his stomach turn.
"Anyway," I said changing the topic. " Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? There's this nice bubble tea place that I wanna go to, if you wanna come with."
He smiled that signature bubbly smile of his. "Sounds great."
I drove him home and I didn't see anyone in the parked in the driveway.
"Hey is anyone home?"
"No, But, um my aunt ships be home soon." He was lying, I could see it in his eyes. I decided to ignore it, I could see he wasn't ready to talk about it.
He stopped at the door and turned around.
"See you tomorrow Phil, I had a great time."
I smiled.
"See you tomorrow Dan."
I got back in my car and started driving. I got a text from my dad.
Father: where are you!!
Me: I was out with a friend, I'll be home in a minute.
Father: Out with a girl I hope
Me: see you soon dad.
I shut off my phone. I wasn't ready for this conversation. Not until I know what's going to happen with Dan and me.
I pulled in the driveway not even 15 minutes later.
"Phil my boy, where have you been?" He winked at me.
I groaned, "I was out with friends."
"Mmmmhmm." He mumbled "I hope by friends you mean that pretty Louise girl, or, oh what was her name, kat? Maybe?"
I groaned again, " I'll be up in my room if you need me."
"Oh leave Him alone, he'll find the right girl sooner or later." My mom scolded.
I silently laughed as I closed my door and locked it. If only they knew.

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