Chapter eighteen

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Phil's pov
I know I told dan I'd be there in 10. But, in reality, I got there in 7.
I would've got there in 5 if I hadn't been cut off and almost crashed but it was worth it. Either way that asshole would've had it coming.
I saw dan waiting in the doorway when I got to his house.
I ran up to him and gave him the biggest bear hug my body had in me.I could feel him silently crying on my chest and I hugged him tighter. He took fistfuls of the back of my shirt and pulled me even closer than we already were.
"thanks for coming Phil." His voice was so broken and I could tell it was worse than I thought it was...
"No problem. Dan, what happened?"
I looked at him with upmost concern.
"Well, umm," he looked down, taking his beautiful doe eyes with him "I guess I have to start from the beginning then don't I?"
"That'd be nice yes." I nodded.
He sighed.
We went into his room and he explained everything.
His parents leaving
Being bullied
Moving in with his aunt
Switching schools
The call
The dream.
The dream was the last nail in the wall, when the floodgates busted. Yes I, tough guy Phil, cried in front of the softest, cutest, curly haired boy ever. And I'm not one bit ashamed.
He looked at me, "Phil? Are you gonna be ok?" He smiled a little.
"I'm gonna be fine," I wiped my tears. "I should be asking you if you're OK." I felt stupid now for crying. Dan needed me to be strong for him and I'm sitting here weeping like an angel who just lost his wings.
"Oh I'm fine, it's just... I guess it re-opened old wounds is all." He looked down and scratched his arm.
"Have you ever actually done it?" My voice rose a little. I needed to calm down. I was getting pissed it'd thinking about it. I need to be calm.
"No never, but its crossed my mind once or twice, I mean it happens to everyone though." He looked down again, avoiding eye contact. He was sat cross legged on the opposite side of his bed. I could see the flowers drawn on his legs and behind one of the flowers, one of the prettiest he had drawn, in really tiny handwriting there was a word. Phil.
I leaned across the gap separating us and I kissed him. He seemed taken back by the sudden movement but he soon gave in and kissed back. I pushed him down on the bed and we stayed there. Kissing, touching. Me on top of him. Soon we pulled apart.
"I'm so sorry dan, I love you." Was all I could muster.
"It's ok." He said in a whisper. Then he cleared his throat, "Hey Phil, i-if you don't mind. .. Could you m-maybe..stay the night just in case I have another bad dream?"
I smiled at his adorableness, "Yes."
He breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank you."
How could I even think to say no to those adoreable doe eyes.
"Not a problem." I smiled
And with that we crawled under the covers. I can't say I didn't give him little sleepy neck kisses and pull him into me, getting us as close as possible. His body against mine never felt so perfectly right. So to say I feel asleep in the best way possible, with the love of my life in my arms. I've never been so happy to fall asleep. Ever.

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