Chapter fifteen

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Dan's pov
I flopped down on my bed. I have a boyfriend. I couldn't stop smiling, life was going so...well. I shot up and looked around. It was going...tooooo well... God my anxiety needs to stop. I reached over, grabbed my phone, and turned on my music. Immortals by fall out boy was the first song to come up and I smiled again. I took a good look around my room. The walls were A pastel blue and flower crowns hung from nails on one wall. Fall out boy, My chemical romance, Panic! At the disco, all time low, pierce the veil and other band posters cover my walls, they were more of vintage posters, with flowers and stuff. On the wall closest to my bed was a big window with mint green curtains. Plants lined my window and I realized how much my room kinda looked like Phil's. The only difference is that every thing was black and instead of flower crowns he has a piercing collection. I smiled again. Phillip Michael Lester. My Boyfriend.
My babe. My tattooed, pierced, prince. God and just to think he was all mine. It made me squeal inside. Things honestly couldn't get any better.
Crazy=Genius started blaring out of my phone.
I stopped and just listened. God I loved this song. It reminded me of me somehow.
I sat in my room drawing flowers all over my legs, it was relaxing. My mind wandered as I drew petals and leaves all over my body and somehow, my mind wandered to Phil. It wandered to his blue, green and yellow eyes that I could just get lost in. I looked down at my legs and smiled at the drawings before me. They were so beautiful and serene.
I herd a faint tapping on my roof, then it gradually got louder and louder. I looked outside.
"Finally..." I mumbled to myself
It started pouring.
It hasn't rained in a while here but now that it is, it's tea time.
"It's tea time."!I chucked to myself
As the rain started to pour harder I made
myself a nice hot cup of tea, threw on my warmest jumper and sat outside on the porch.
It's been a calming day surprisingly, and I was enjoying it to the very last detail.
Until I got a call.
I looked at my phone, no caller ID.
I picked up the call.
"Hey Daniel..." came a clam sweet voice.
I froze "mom..." anger exploded through every fiber of my being, "WHY THE HELL ARE YIU CALLING ME!" I screamed into the phone.
I was so mad, my eyes started to water and I wanted to scream.
"Dan, before you get too Angry please, please I'm begging you, listen to what I have to say."
"I have nothing to say to you." I spat into the phone.
"You don't have to say anything but please,listen."
I calmed down. Her soothing voice piercing into every memory.
My voice cracked as I said "ok..."
she sighed in relief, "I wanted to apologize, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you're father acted the way he did, I'm sorry we left you because you are different, I've missed my baby so much and I'd give anything to hold my boy In my arms again."
I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
My aunt pulled onto the drive. Her car lights blinded me for a moment. She got out of the car and walked towards me.
"Dan, honey who are you talking to."
A tear ran down my cheek as I whispered," my mom."
My aunt immediately ripped the phone out of my hands.
"Dan, go to your room please."
I walked to my room, fell onto my bed, and started to cry.
it's not d&p related but I'm really proud of it so plz go read that.

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