Chapter nine

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(Dan's pov)
I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I don't know if I was happy, or sad. I was so confused..... Does Phil like me?!?
A noise from my phone broke me out of my trance.
New notifications:
Amazingphil has added you on snapchat
How in the world did he get my snapchat?
I opened that app and started typing
Danisnotonfire: how did you get my snapchat?
Amazingphil: ways
Danisnotonfire: ok?
Amazingphil: I'm bored
Danisnotonfire: same
Amazingphil: we still on for tomorrow?
Danisnotonfire: yeah.
Amazingphil: great ;)
Danisnotonfire: what was the face for?
Danisnotonfire: Phil?
Snap opened
What was the wink face for?!?! Omg this is so confusing. The more he does this the more I wanted him.... I never realized how much I fucking hate feelings.
Ugh I hate this feeling but I love feeling this.
I cannot handle these.
*time skip*
Phil came and picked me up earlier than I thought he would.
"You couldn't have picked a later time?"
"What is ten A.M to early?"
"Yes!! I didn't even wake up till 9:50!"
"That explains the hobbit hair."
"Shut up..." I mumbled. I hate my hobbit hair.
"Awe come on its cute." He smiled and ruffled my hair.
"Now you made it worse!!" I looked at myself in the mirror desperate to do anything to fix my hair.
"Dan you look fine."
"Easy for you to say." I mumbled again.
It took about 15 miniutes to reach the bubble tea place and I did NOT want to go in.
"Dan for the last time you look FINE."
"I look like a HOBBIT!!"
"If so your the cutest hobbit I've ever seen."
I blushed and temporarily let my guard down which have Phil enough time to pick me up bridal style out of my seat and set me down on the sidewalk. I stood there paralyzed for a moment trying to process what happened.
"Awe how cute..." A cute boy with mint green hair walked out of the bubble tea shop.
"Hey Tyler." Phil said
"Phil, is this your boyfriend?"
I turned about 50 shades of chrimson.
"Not yet." Phil winked at Tyler.
"Wait what?" I asked but Phil didn't answer as he bid a quick goodbye to Tyler and pulled me into the bubble tea shop.
"what kind of bubble tea would you like today gentleman?"
"Zoey is that you?" I asked
"Oh hey Dan!" She smiled at me. " long time not see."
"It's so great to see you!" We had an awkward over the counter hug.
"How have you been? It's been so long."
"I've been great. This new school is treating me really nice."
"That's good to hear. You gonna introduce me to your friend?"
"Oh, right, sorry." I turned to Phil. "Phil this is Zoella, Zoey this is Phillip."
They shook hands.
"Nice to meet you Phil." Zoey looked at me and winked.
What is it with people winking at me?

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