Chaper nineteen

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Dan's pov
FYI: this chapter mentions boners 👌🏼
I woke up and felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

I momentarily forgot about the night before but nevertheless I snuggled into the arms and let the warmth of the body beside me consume the terrors of my dreams.

"Well morning sunshine." Phil's voice was deep and husky and it was amazing.

"Morning Phil." I yawned.

He hugged me closer. "Feeling better?"

"Mmmmm yes." I smiled.
I turned to face him.

"That's good. Don't want you being jittery and stuff today."

"Why," I kinda felt bad..

"I was thinking we could do something."

"Hm, ok, sounds fun." I smiled

"Sweet, Well I'm gonna go make breakfast if that's ok with you." He smiled at me.

"Yes sir." I said in a serious tone and he kissed my forehead.

"You know," he answered in another serious tone "I like it when you call me sir." He gave me a little smirk and I playfully shoved him away.

"Go make breakfast nerd." I laughed.

"Well I'll get you when it's ready, ok?"

"Okie dokie." I said as I shoved my face back into my pillow.

I could hear his laugh as he left the room.
Oh how I love him.
A few minutes later I could her music coming from the kitchen. It sounded so familiar, I had to see what it was.
I sleepily waddled from my bed to my door.
'Woooahhh Mona Lisa, you're guaranteed To run this town...'
He's listening to panic?! I think I might be in love.

I stuck my head in to the kitchen and rubbed my eyes.

"Nice music." I grinned.

"Heh, thanks." He blushed.

I walked back into my room and started picking out my clothes for that day. My closet was a plethora of bright colors and a very few dark clothing hidden in the wayyyy back.
I decided on a yellow shirt with a bee on the side pocket, yellow and silver converse, a pair of blue skinny jeans and a yellow flower crown.

"Dan," Phil yelled "pancakes."

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. 
"Morning, actual sunshine." Phil smiled,Gesturing to my shirt.

"Heh, morning." I smiled.

He placed a plate of pancakes ( try saying that 10 times fast) in front of me and oh my god did they smell delicious.

"Are these chocolate chip AND blueberry?"


"God am I in heaven??" I inhaled in and almost drooled.

Phil smiled and shook his head.
"Anyway what are your plans for us today?" I asked him.

"Honestly, all I wanna do is be with you all day, maybe we could hang out with some others, maybe just us. Actually I kinda wanna drive around all day. "

"Sounds fun." I said through a mouth full of pancakes.

And in that moment I knew I was falling hard...and not because of how amazing these pancakes were (well not completely anyway).
Twenty minutes later we were driving.

"I was thinking Starbucks to start out our day," Phil suggested.

I laughed "You just wanna go see Louise and Tyler."

"Maybe, but I like Starbucks too."

"Mmmmhmmmn, are you sure it's not cause you wanna show me off," I tried to keep a serious tone and crossed my arms.

He laughed "Maybe."

"I-knew-it," I laughed as poked his shoulder.

"Can you blame me?" He questioned "You're adorable," He smirked then winked at me.
I blushed, flustered at the compliment and the suggestive facial expressions.He stifled a laugh and rested a hand on my thigh as he drove.
I could feel my blood pump faster as he started rubbing familiar circles into my jeans.

"Ummmm can you not." I attempted to say but it came out mostly in a squeak (and the rest in a sllllllliiiiggghhtttt teeny tiny possible moan).
Phil looked at me.

"Well that was hot." He smiled as he removed his hand from my thigh (which I regret asking him to because the warmth of his hand was amazing).

My face turned cherry red and I wanted to curl up into a ball of embarrassment.

"Dan it was cute, ok."

"Mmmmfmdmjajj." Was basically the noise I made.

"Well we're here and you have to get out and speak sometime."

I looked up and yup, there we were. Starbucks.

"Finneee." I said as I got out of the car.

Before we reached the doors, Phil came up behind me and whispered in my ear "I'll do anything to make you Moan like that again by the way."
And yup, these jeans were possibly a little to tight for comfort now.

"Hey guys." Louise's cheery voice cut through and all I could hope was that no one noticed me red faced and with a fucking hard on.

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