Rejection Kills

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I watched him walk away from me and everything we could be. This was it. This was the end. Too bad he couldn't hear my heart break with every step he took. Even if he did, he still wouldn't come back. All I could do was watch.

I rubbed my arms as a cold gust of wind blew. It's very rare for me to ever get cold but with everything that's happened tonight, it didn't seem out of place. My hair was blowing into my face and I pulled it back behind my ear. I don't know why Tristan did what he did but I wish he hadn't.

A sharp pain entered my stomach, making me cry out in agony. I hardly ever cried and I didn't want to start now but the pain was unbearable. My knees sank to the ground as I clutched my stomach. More pain shot through my stomach and I gasped. My lungs felt like they were going to explode just like my heart.

I was on my hands and knees crying and screaming at the same time. Little tiny pebbles and twigs were pricking the palm of my hands. I didn't care though. That wasn't what was really hurting me. It was my heart.

I collapsed onto the dirt floor of the woods and screamed again. I started choking on my tears. How pathetic. More screams escaped from my lips at the gnawing feeling in my stomach. It felt like someone had cut open my stomach and started taking out my insides.

I heard that when you get rejected by your mate it feels like hell and torture. I never thought I'd have to go through it.

My face and neck was wet from all the tears I've been crying. My lips tasted like salt. I was gasping for breath. When I thought the pain had started to go away, I felt, what seemed like a knife, go through my chest. Take a deep breath I told myself but it was no use.

Pulling my knees to my chest, I cried harder. If only there was a way to get rid of this pain. The dried up leaves were scratching the right side of my face. A little bit of dirt had gotten into my mouth but again I didn't care. None of that mattered now. Not after this.

Finally, the pain had subsided and was going away slowly. I stayed on the floor, not moving, and let all the tears come out. Just when I thought it was all completely gone, one agonizing, gut ripping pain came to my abdomen. This one was the worst one. I screamed, probably waking up the entire town. The last thing I saw was the full moon before blacking out.

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