Nightmare of My Life

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I wasn't in my room at the beach. Which was weird because I know that's where I was supposed to be. I don't know where exactly I am at but it was scary. It was pitch black, I even tried to use my night vision to see but I couldn't.

I tried to stand up but it was difficult to. I pushed myself to my knees and hands but that was as far as I could go. My wobbly legs wouldn't hold me up. There was a crunching noise off in the distance. My head snapped up to figure out where it was coming from. I tried changing into a wolf but I couldn't.

The noise was starting to come from behind me now.

Slowly, I turned around to see a giant black wolf's face hovering two inches away from mine. His breath smelled rotten. Like a dead body. Disgusting. I almost threw up.

His eyes bore into mine. This wolf looked awfully familiar.

He moved his head closer to my face. The wolf pursed his lips, showing of his sharp white teeth. A low growl escaped his mouth.

I shrank back. I wanted to scream at him. Tell him to go away but I was frozen in terror. His eyes seemed to be filled with laughter. Like I was his puppet and he was the master. He had me right where he wanted me.

A much louder growl came out now. He snapped his teeth together. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kill me.

I jolted up in bed, sweat dripping down my face. I untangled myself from out of the sheets.

It was only a dream. Just a dream....

Except it didn't feel like a dream. It felt so real. I don't know what was making me dream about that black wolf. It gave me chills when I thought about his teeth.

I quietly stepped out of the room and went into the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face hoping to calm down my nerves a little bit. I got back into bed when I felt a little better. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the wolf's eyes.

Sighing, I got out of bed and walked over to my duffel bag that was lying on top of the armchair by the door. Out of the bag I grabbed some sweatpants. From the closest I grabbed an I heart New York sweatshirt.

What I needed was a good run.

It was quiet outside and dark. Very dark. I hope that I don't get lost. It probably wasn't such a good idea to come by myself. I don't even remember where the beach was exactly. I turned around to head back to the house but everything looked the same to me and I couldn't remember the direction I had just come from.

I slowed down to a jogging pace.

I heard loud thunderous footsteps coming from behind me.

Quietly I started walking back to the house. It definitely wasn't a good idea to come jogging alone.

The footsteps grew louder and closer.

I started picking up my pace. I'm gonna die I thought to myself. My breathing became a panting like sound. I stopped walking to listen for a minute.

When I stopped so did the other person's footsteps.

I broke out into a run. I kept glancing behind me but I couldn't see anything. Nothing but a pitch black street. This was starting to become a lot like my dream.

I ran faster.

I heard the other person run faster to. I wasn't gonna call out and ask who was there. What was the point? It's not like I was gonna get an answer.

"Who's there?"

"Oh, you know. Just some crazy person that's gonna kill you."

Yeah, like that was gonna happen. I rolled my eyes at my own idiocy.

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