Being Followed Is Never A Good Thing

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I had barely been able to sleep these past few days. I felt like a zombie at school. I was lucky that I didn't fall asleep in class otherwise I would've been sent to the principals office and would have hell at home.

When the lunch bell rang, Zane and I walked straight to the cafeteria. Zane tried to make conversation but I just couldn't keep my focus. I felt bad because he didn't know what was going on and every time he asked, I blew him off.

We got to our usual table and found two new people sitting with us. Maxine introduced them to us. The girl with long brown hair and brown eyes was Malena. The guy with brown hair and brown eyes was her twin brother, Brendon. I guess they just moved here and transferred from some private school. And they were also going to be joining our pack.

I glanced across the room towards my brothers table. He was talking with some guys, probably about a football game or something. There were cheerleaders and other annoying girls surrounding the table as usual. Tristan met my gaze and held it. He was looking at me very intently as if he looked away, I was going to disappear or something. Believe me, I wanted to right now. I also wanted to turn away but I couldn't. It was as if someone was holding my head in place forcing me to keep looking at him.

"Earth to Lilly," Rhiannon said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I said turning in my seat to face her.

"What are you doing tonight? Wanna see a movie or something?" she asked.

I frowned. I would really love to hang out with my best friend but I had chemistry project to work on.

"I can't," I said.

Rhiannon glanced at Zane. "You want to spend time with your boyfriend? I understand."

I stiffened at the word boyfriend. Zane hadn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. From the corner of my eye, I saw Zane tense up to.

I shook my head. "It's not that. We have a chemistry project that's due soon," I said trying to wave it off.

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

Rhiannon went back to eating her food and sneaking glances at Talon. I noticed Talon doing the exact same thing. They just needed to come out with their relationship now. Someone was bound to figure it out sooner or later.

For the rest of the lunch hour I vaguely listened to the conversation that was going on at the table. The girls were talking about Winter Formal while the guys were talking about sports or something close to that topic. I was to busy in my thoughts to really pay attention to what they were really saying.

Everyone kept pelting Malena and Brendon with questions about their old private school. Brendon was quiet the entire time as Malena answered every question. She gave me a weird vibe for some reason and I didn't like it or know why.

* * *

After school I told Zane that I'd follow him home. He insisted on me catching a ride with him but I told him that I had my own car and my parents would be pissed if they found out that I had left it at school in the parking lot.

As soon as we got to his house we started working on our project. We worked on it for about an hour and half, then we got bored. Next thing I knew, we were having a make out session.

Zane's mom came knocking on the door. "Hello, Lilly," she said interrupting us.

We pulled apart. "Hi, Mrs. Evans."

"Are you going to stay for dinner?" she asked oblivious to what we were doing.

I shook my head. "Sorry, I can't. I told my parents I'd be home in time for dinner."

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