Sweet Welcomings

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I woke up to the sound of something buzzing. I was angry because it had taken me so long to fall asleep. I searched the floor next to the bed for my jeans. I pulled the phone out of the jean pocket and looked at the screen. Restricted. Who the heck is calling me at one in the morning?

"Hello?" I answered.



Still no answer.

I sighed then hung up the phone and threw it back down on the floor. Stupid kids trying to prank call me. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. I grabbed one of the pillows that had fallen off the bed and used it to cover my head. After what seemed like hours I felt myself drift off to sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head," Rhiannon shouted into my ear before pouring ice cold water all over my face.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted at Rhiannon.

She smiled a devious grin. "You don't wake up for anything."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry that I'm tired. It's not my fault that I can't sleep at night."

"Get up and get dressed. Maxine wants to do one last fun thing before we go home tomorrow."

"I can't believe we already have to leave tomorrow."

"I know it sucks."

"You know you're excited to go back home and see Talon."

Rhiannon blushed. "Shut up and get ready," she said then threw a pillow at me.

I tried to dodge it but I wasn't quick enough. "Rhiannon and Talon sitting in a tree- I wonder how your kids would look."

"Shut up, Lilly before I kill you." Rhiannon walked out of my room and slammed the door.

* * *

The last thing that Maxine wanted to do before we left was go to this huge mall that was like three stories tall. Rhiannon and I weren't so thrilled about the shopping but Maxine convinced Rhiannon when she said that they had this store that sells a bunch of band stuff for cheap prices.

So here we were. I felt sick to my stomach every time I saw a couple walk by. I did feel better when we walked past a couple that was arguing and making a big scene in front of the pretzel cart.

"I wonder what they're arguing about," Maxine said.

I shrugged. Rhiannon didn't hear, she was to busy looking at the mall map for that one store.

"I can't find it!" she said aggravated.

"Don't worry we'll find it," Maxine said grabbing the map from her. "Let me look for it."

"How do you expect to find the store if you don't even know the name of it?" I asked.

Maxine and Rhiannon both gave me blank stares.

"Maxine, what is the name of the store?" Rhiannon asked sweetly.

Uh oh. This was not good. The only time Rhiannon uses that voice is right before she snaps.

"I don't....remember," Maxine said carefully.

"How can you not remember?!"

Rhiannon was not happy. Luckily, Maxine got saved from Rhiannon's cell. Rhiannon dug around in her purse for it.

"What?" she snapped. "Oh, hey it's you....yeah I'm fine just-nothing...I can't wait to come home...I miss you too...okay I'll tell her...love you too. Bye."

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