The Truth Comes Out...Well Most Of It

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I was sitting on my bed staring at the homework laid out in front of me for the past twenty minutes. I was supposed to be working on it but I couldn't focus. I was contemplating whether or not I should tell Talon about Tristan. After another ten minutes I finally made up my mind to go ahead and tell him the truth. Nothing bad would happen. If anything bad did happen it would happen to Tristan. My brother did say he'd beat up anyone who broke my heart.

I heard rustling and the sound of an object falling onto the floor in Talon's room. He was getting ready for something. Softly I knocked on the door. Two seconds later the door swung open.

"What's up?" Talon asked seeing the seriousness in my face.

Talon took several steps back as I walked into the room. I noticed some of his clothes strewn all over the bed there were barely any hanging in the closet, most of them were on the floor. Books and papers were everywhere, his hair was neatly combed and he was wearing cologne. A lot of cologne.

"Where you going?" I asked.

He shrugged. "A date."


Again he shrugged. "Same girl as yesterday."

"Why won't you tell me who it is?"

"We don't want to tell anyone. Not yet."

I sat on his bed, losing the nerve to tell him what I had came in here for in the first place. I couldn't tell him now. Not when he was just leaving to go on a date. I took a long look at him. Talon was wearing a red flannel shirt with a white shirt underneath and dark blue jeans. He was really trying to impress someone.

"What did you need?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just wanted someone to talk to."

Talon glanced at his watch. "Well I'm gonna be leaving in like two minutes."

I repositioned myself on the bed so that I was sitting cris-cross. "It's fine."

"Is there anything important that you wanted to tell me?" he asked.

I shook my head, got up from the bed and headed towards the door. "Nothing in particular. I should probably finish my homework anyways."

"Alright. See you in a little bit."

I nodded and closed the door behind me. I got to my room and dashed for my phone on my desk. I quickly dialed Zane's number. Please pick up. Pick up! Pick up!


"Zane! It's me, Lilly."

"I know. I have caller ID."

I ignored his snide remark. "You want to do a little stalking tonight?"


"My brother is going on a date with someone but he won't freaking tell me who it is. I need to know and I don't wanna go alone. So please go with me. Pretty, pretty, pretty please. With cherries on top," I whined.

Zane sighed. "What do I get out of this?"

"What do you want?"

"A date."

"I already told you that I was gonna give you Maxine's number."

"I don't want Maxine's number," he said simply.

"Then who?"

"She has green eyes, brown hair, her name starts with the letter L."

I swallowed the lump in my throat I didn't even know I had. "Me?"

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