What's A Girl Supposed To Do?

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I glanced back down at the note in my hand. The only person that would do something like this that I could name off of the top of my head was Destini. But you had to be really low to do something like that. Who else would do it though?

"Hey," Zane said walking up.

I shoved the note into my locker and slammed it. Zane looked at me confused.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "I'm fine."

"Sure about that?"

I nodded. "So what's up?"

Zane shrugged. "What do you say about going on an official date?"

"Sounds good. Where?"

Zane smirked. "Can't tell you. But I'll pick you up around seven. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect."

"Okay. I got to get to class but I'll see you later." Zane planted a kiss on my forehead then walked away. And of course Tristan had to walk by right at that moment.

Why was I still feeling guilty?

I'm pretty sure when he kissed Destini he didn't feel guilty. He probably didn't feel anything.

The look on Tristan's face made it even worse. He looked depressed and like crap. It still looked like he hadn't slept for days and he didn't do a good job of brushing his hair this morning. Even though I was the one responsible for making him look like that, he still smiled at me. And when I smiled, it was more like a sympathetic smile.

* * *

Right after school, I went straight home to take a shower and get ready for my date with Zane. I don't know why I was nervous. We've hung out together where it was just the two of us. It's pretty much the same thing.

I changed my clothes at least ten times and I still couldn't find something good to wear. I didn't want to where a skirt or dress, to cold for that. Shorts was a big no-no on a first date. The only thing left was jeans.

I found a cute tank top and cardigan to go with the jeans. I swapped my converse for flats. Next was my make up and hair.

Since I didn't blow dry my hair like I usually do my hair was in pretty beach like waves. I sprayed a little bit of hairspray to make it stay that way. Now for my makeup. I threw some eyeliner along the bottom of my eyes to make them pop out. I added a little bit of mascara, not to much so it wouldn't look all clunky. Then a little bit of blush and some lip gloss.

Voila. I was ready to go.

When I finished it was a little after 6:30. I went downstairs to look for mom or dad. I had been so nervous about this date that I forgot to mention it to them.

As always, I found mom in the kitchen cooking. She greeted me with a big smile.

"You look pretty," she said.

I cleared my throat. "Um, yeah, thanks. I kind of have a date."

Mom didn't seem surprised at all. "I figured. With?"


Mom looked confused. I watched as she chopped up tomatoes. "Zane?" she asked. "Who's...Oh! Isn't he that boy that recently joined the pack?"

I nodded. "That would be him."

I stole a tomato slice. Mom smacked my hand and grunted. "He's a handsome thing," she said.

"Everyone seems to think so too."

"What about Tristan?" she asked.

I almost choked. "What about him?" I asked picking up another tomato slice.

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