Don't Call Me Babe

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I got up a little earlier than usual this morning to do my hair and make up. I didn't really need to do much to my hair, I had put it in braids the night before so when I took it out my hair was in pretty waves. Now my make up is another story. I kept messing up trying to make it look perfect. I had put to much eye shadow on one eye and not enough on the other. Then when I tried to fix it, I ended up putting to much on the one eye that didn't have enough. I was just a screwed up mess.

Next thing I did was pick out my clothes. I was mostly use to wearing jeans and cute tops but today I had to make an impression so that wasn't going to work. I decided to go with a black skirt and white loose off the shoulder shirt. But of course I wore my vans so that I didn't seem like I was trying to impress someone. Every other girl wore heels with a skirt or dress but I would fall flat on my face. So, no.

Usually I ride to school with Talon but for my birthday my parents had gotten me a new car. Well, I wouldn't exactly say new. My dad knew this guy in town who was selling his Nissan Altima of three years. It was in good condition, low mileage, and the brakes worked really well. I didn't really care for the dark blue color of it but I can manage.

I purposely didn't park my car next to Talon's Jeep. Since I never dress like this, he'll make a big scene about who I'm trying to impress and of course Tristan will be there and it would make everything more awkward then what it already was. I even took the initiative of walking all the way around the parking lot so I wouldn't run into Talon or Tristan.

Before opening the door to enter the school's main building, I took a few deep breaths. Of course a girl got mad at me for blocking the entrance. When I stepped in, the smell of humans hit me but I didn't smell Tristan or my brother. I walked down the halls like I usually would to get to my lock and on the way I turned a few heads. Maybe more than just a few but it was more than I've ever gotten. I suddenly felt self conscious.

Tristan was standing by some girls locker, talking. It felt like bugs were crawling all over my skin. I stood there like and idiot clutching my binder closer to my chest, watching them. They didn't seem to notice but I had to start walking before they did. I loosened my grip, picked up head and walked ahead acting like I didn't see any of them. When I passed, I couldn't help but turn around. I caught Tristan's gaze. The girl was still talking unaware of the fact that he wasn't even paying attention.

Tristan didn't look mad or angry which is a good thing I guess but I couldn't decipher the emotions in his eyes. The girl finally realized what was going on. She looked at Tristan, me, then back at Tristan before turning his head with her probably perfect manicured hand. He looked back again, I smiled and walked away. I never thought I could feel this happy after getting rejected.

"You're looking hot," Rhiannon said from behind me.

She smacked my butt, making me jump. "Don't!" I tried to smack her hand but she pulled it away before I could.

"Seriously. Why are you dressed like this?"

"I felt like it."

She didn't believe me. "Are you sure you're not doing this to win Tristan?"

I shook my head. Rhiannon didn't have to believe me at wanting to dress like this but she did need to believe me when I say that I'm not trying to win Tristan.

"Then what is it?" she asked.

"It's something called revenge."

"Okay? You're getting revenge on Tristan by dressing like a skank?"

I frowned. Funny, Rhiannon was the first person you go to get revenge on someone. "No. I'm trying to make Tristan feel pain like I did."

Rhiannon's face twisted into something like approval. "Nice."

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