Scared Crapless

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I was a little surprised at how cold it was since it was noon. My fur couldn't even keep me warm, I kept shivering but it wasn't from the wind. It was at the thought of another wolf being in the same woods as me the other night.

You okay?

Talon asked telepathically.

I'm fine. Just cold.

I looked up at the sky. Perfectly blue and clear. Talon came into my room at about eight o'clock in the morning and asked if I wanted to hang out with him. I agreed to but I didn't think that by hanging out he meant running miles in the woods and hunting deers. Not what I would've planned.

So I guess it's a bad idea to propose the idea of getting ice cream.

I'll race you to the car.

I took off running for the car, not even bothering to wait for him. Within seconds Talon was at my side. We were neck to neck for awhile until the last two seconds when I pushed myself to go faster.

"Beat ya!" I shouted punching my fist in the air.

"That's because I let you."

"Sure you did."

Sweat was dripping from Talon's face, his shirt had a huge mud stain. It looked like he'd have to change first before going. The good thing about us werewolves it that when we transform into a wolf, our clothes don't get torn to pieces like you see in twilight. It's really weird but hell I like it. I don't want to see my brother naked, no matter how good looking the girls at school say he is.

"I did!" he said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Whatever floats your boat." I jumped into the passenger seat of his jeep. Talon jumped into the drivers seat. The engine roared with life and I turned on the radio.

"Aren't you going to change?" I asked when he passed our street.


"Because you have a big mud stain on your shirt."

He shrugged. "Just grab that shirt in the back seat, please."

I reached over to the back and grabbed the navy blue sweater. Thanks to my werewolf nose, I caught a scent of something familiar. A girls perfume. I know I've smelt it before but I just can't place it. I definitely know it was from someone at school but I just don't know who.


"Hm?" I glanced at Talon. He had a worried look on his face, which was making me worry since he wasn't looking at the road.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Pay attention to where you're driving."

I tossed the shirt at him. When we came to a red light he took of the muddy shirt and threw it to the back seat. The girls from the next car over stared at him. I think I even heard one of them whisper "He's got a freaking six pack!" Then both the girls glared at me. Yup. That's my brother for you. Giving girls a show without realizing it, then making the girls hate me because they thought we were dating. Couldn't they see the resemblance?

We pulled into the parking lot of Minnie's Ice Cream Parlor. I was the first one out of the car and to the door. The scent of ice cream filled my nose as I opened the door. I heard Talon laugh behind me. I gave him a glare and inspected the rows of ice cream. I didn't know which kind to get. Usually I'd get rainbow sherbet but I was in the mood for something different.

"What would you like, sweetie?" a lady of about forty asked me. Her orange hair was going gray but her green eyes glowed like two emeralds. Almost like mine.

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