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"That's not how you solve the problem," Zane whispered. This was like the tenth time he told me I was doing something wrong with my math homework.

I threw my pencil down onto the table. "Then how do you do it?" I shouted in irritation. The school's librarian looked up from her desk and glared at me. I wasn't exactly her favorite person. Ever since last year when I did Rhiannon a little favor. Scratch that. A big favor.

"It's simple," he said grabbing my notebook and solving the math equation for me.

"Not to me."

He chuckled. "Maybe you should pay attention in class."

"I do. Maybe the teacher should teach better."

Zane glanced at his watch. "It's already 4:30. I'm gonna have to get going soon."

"Yeah, me too." I wouldn't get in trouble if I came home late because my parents weren't home and neither was my brother. They all had to leave for some kind of pack business. Lucky me got to stay home and go to school.

Zane shoved a couple of books and his binder into his backpack. "See you tomorrow?" he asked zipping up the backpack.

"Yup," I said shoving books into my backpack to. Zane took off for the door and I stayed behind for a few minutes. I grabbed the old worn out book from my backpack and sauntered over to the counter. I was supposed to read it but just never got around to it. Believe it or not my two weeks was already up.

"I'd like to recheck this out please."

The librarian gave me a scrutinizing look. Quickly she pushed her glasses closer to her face and turned her attention to the computer screen.

"Student ID."

"Here," I said handing it to her.

"Two more weeks then that's it. You've reached your limit." She stamped the inside of the book and slammed the cover shut.

"Thanks," I said grabbing the book and heading out the door. I made sure to slam the door too. I unzipped my backpack and carefully placed the book inside. I really had to force myself to read this. I had to make time.

"Lilly! Lilly!" someone shouted.

I turned around to see Maxine. As always she looked gorgeous and all she was wearing was jeans and a sweater.


"What's with you and that guy Zane? I mean are you guys together?"

I laughed. Why did everyone think that? Couldn't a girl and a guy be friends and nothing more. "No. We're just friends. Why?"

She shrugged. "I was wondering if you know maybe you could talk to him for me."

I stopped dead in my tracks. Maxine stopped when she noticed I wasn't following. "Wait. You mean you want me to like help you get a date."

She bit her bottom lip. "Is that to much to ask?"

I stared at her my mouth agape. "No, not at all. Um, sure I'll talk to him and see what he says."

"Thanks. I'd love to stay and talk but my moms picking me up today and if I'm not there in like two seconds then she's gonna chew my ass out."

"I understand. Same thing with my dad."

Maxine booked it. "Thanks again! I'll call you."

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As soon as I got home, I hit the books. The only problem was that I couldn't focus. I kept thinking about Tristan, the brown wolf, the black wolf, Zane, and even Ryan. Giving up, I walked downstairs to watch some TV. I plopped down on Dad's recliner chair and turned on the flat screen. I flipped through the channels until I landed on Sponge Bob. I know a kids show but who doesn't love that yellow sponge?

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