A Little More Than Research

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I watched as kids ran around the bridge with their parents chasing after them. They should really be put on leashes or something. Music was blaring from the speakers, people were screaming and hollering around me but still, I felt incredibly alone.

Riley and Sage were walking together hand in hand and so were many other couples. Rhiannon and I walked behind hoping to get separated from the rest of the group.

The Pier was a pretty popular place to go. It was like a little amusement park by the beach. This place was always packed especially on a Friday or Saturday night.

"This is fun," Rhiannon said bitterly.

"I know," I said with a sigh.

I didn't feel to bad for Rhiannon. After all she had Talon. She just couldn't bring him because they were keeping their relationship a secret from everyone else in the pack. I on the other hand had no one.

"You guys want to get something to eat?" Riley asked.

"Yes! I'm starving," Maxine said.

"Let's go to that place where they sell all those hot dogs and pizza's," Sage said.

"Sounds awesome," Xavier replied.

Sage and Riley led the way to the Hot Dog and Pizza Stand. We all agreed to just order one extra large pizza with pepperoni. As soon as the pizza was set down on our table everyone grabbed two slices. I just went for one and I got a few weird glances from my friends but I tried not to pay to much attention to it.

"Did you talk to him?" Maxine whispered from my right.

I glanced around the table to see if anyone heard but no one did. "Who?"


"Oh, yeah I did."

"What did he say?"

"He said okay."

"Yes. Did you give him my number? When are we going out? Sorry for asking so many questions but..." she started rambling on and I tried to listen but something else was holding my attention.

Through the window I saw the same exact man that I had seen by my school. A chill went through my body. At first it was kind of hard to decipher if it was him or not. From staring at him long enough, I could tell it was him.

Was this guy stalking me or something? It seemed like everywhere I go he showed up. I didn't have anything that he would be interested in. I was just an ordinary teenage girl. Okay I'm not ordinary but am as close to normal as it can get.

"Lilly, what is it? Are you okay?" Maxine's voice brought me back to reality.

"I'll be right back," I said getting up from the table. Everyone turned their head. Their gazes were boring holes onto the back of my head. I didn't care, I kept walking until I was out the door and heading in the direction of the man.

When I got to the spot where he was standing, he was no longer there. I sighed. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Just imagining things, that's what it was. But I knew I was just lying to myself to make me feel better.

"What's the matter, honey? Boyfriend ditch you?" a guy asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"He's stupid if he did," the guy said stepping out of the shadows. He was wearing a blue, long sleeved t-shirt and black jeans. His brown hair looked messy from the wind. It looked more like some girl was running her fingers through his hair. Repeatedly.

"I'm Peter," he said holding out his hand. I shook it not saying a word. "Your name?"


"It's nice to meet you Lilly." He scratched the back of his head while shoving the other hand in his pocket. I was wondering if you were seeing anyone."

He Loves Me, He Loves Me NotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat