Just A Matter Of Time

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I had to stay a few minutes after school today to talk about a test that I failed in chemistry. Thank God it was Friday though and I didn't have to come in tomorrow to make it up. Zane was waiting for me outside the classroom so he could give me a ride home. I was way to scared to drive by myself. Of course I didn't tell him that when I asked him to pick me up this morning.

After Mrs. Aitkin yelled at me for about twenty minutes she let me go. Zane wasn't in the hall like he said he would be. I went to my locker thinking he might've gone there instead but he wasn't there either. I wandered around for about ten minutes when I found him by the library talking with someone. When Zane went to lean up against the wall, I got a perfect view of who he was talking to. Malena.

"You have to tell her," Malena hissed at him.


"Because, it's not right. It's not fair."

I heard Zane sigh.

As I got closer to them Malena saw me and took a giant step back away from Zane. Probably for her own good. Zane didn't seem to notice me until I bumped him on the shoulder. Zane snapped out of his daydream.

He smiled. "How'd it go?"

I shrugged. "She yelled. I listened."

Zane chuckled. "See you," Zane said to Malena. He grabbed my hand, dragging me down the hallway. He didn't even give me a chance to talk to her or at least say hi.

Zane seemed a little on edge. Something was bothering him and I had a feeling it was from that talk he was having with Malena just awhile ago. For some reason, I wanted to tell him to just stay away from her but I didn't want to be that controling girlfriend.

"What was that all about?" I asked instead. This was a better approach rather than demanding him to tell me what exactly they were talking about.

Zane barely glanced back at me. "What?"

"With you and Malena. You seem upset about something that she said."

"You could say that."

Zane opened the passenger side door for me and I jumped in. He closed the door then walked around to the other side. He started the car and turned on the heater. It was the end of November and the temperature was starting to drop fairly quickly. A sign that winter was coming.

We passed by the street where I had lost the guy in the black SUV. I shivered at the thought of him following us. Zane thought I was shivering from the coldness, so he turned on the heater to full blast. I gave him a weak smile to show my gratitude.

Everyone was home and I felt relieved. I didn't want to be home alone when that guy was still out there somewhere. Hopefully he still thought I lived at Riley's. What if the stalker guy tries to break into his house? What if he tries to kill Riley? I could not forgive myself of that ever happened.

"Lilly?" Zane asked, bringing me back to reality.


"What's going on? You're not acting like yourself?" he asked all worried.

I shook my head. "I-it's nothing."

"Don't tell me it's nothing. I know it's something. So just tell me."

I sighed. I'd have to tell him sometime so I might as well just get it over and done with.

"Someone's been sending me creepy messages and notes. I think it's just a stupid crush."

"Just a stupid crush?

I nodded. "Then I've been getting nightmares that he's been breaking into my room."

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