Run In With the Big Bad Wolf

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As I sat in class talking with Zane, I felt Tristan's eyes boring into my face. He was sitting by the front farthest away from the door to the left. This was the only class we had together since he was a senior and I, a sad pathetic junior.

"He won't stop glaring at you," Zane said.

"I know. I just don't know why. It's kind of annoying."

Zane chuckled. "Even if he say's he doesn't, he likes you."

I frowned. I didn't really want to hear that but okay. "What makes you say that?"

His amber eyes stared into mine. "You'd have to be blind, to not see it. He's jealous."

"He's a jerk."

"True. You can't argue with that but maybe he has good reason's to why he's being a jerk."

I snorted. Very unattractive to I might add. "I doubt that. He just wants to sleep around."

He shrugged. "Maybe. But I'm glad you guys aren't together." he said casually. My head snapped up. I was going to ask him what he meant by that but the teacher yelled at us to be quiet. I glanced over at Tristan to only see him smirking. If I could, I'd get up from my seat right now and slap him. Very hard. So that all his perfect teeth came out.

"What's with you and that guy Zane?" Rhiannon asked.


"What's your deal? Are you guys like a thing or what?"

Her question startled me. Come on, she was my best friend, if we were dating I would've told her by now.

"No. We're not together. And we're not dating either."

"Really? It sure looks that way. He is yummy."

My eyebrows rose. "Are you sure you don't want to date him?"

She shrugged. "He's up for grabs right?"

I shook my head. Rhiannon was one of the biggest flirts at school. She probably ranked number 2. The first one, I'm pretty sure you could've guessed is Tristan. Sure my brother always had girls flirting with him but he hardly flirt back. He was to busy with Alpha jobs right now. I felt bad for him because everyone was expecting him to find his mate by now.

"You want him? Take him."

"No it's okay," she said and glanced over at the table where Tristan, Destini, and my brother we're sitting. Usually we'd always sit there but not anymore. Not until I found out that Tristan was my mate. He really ruined a bunch of things for me.

Talon asked why I never sat there anymore but I didn't tell him the reason why. If I did, I don't think Tristan would live to see another day, and you know what maybe he deserved that.

I couldn't help but watch the people at the table too. Talon sat at the end with a cheerleader sitting by his side, Rhiannon seemed to be glaring at the poor girl. Then there was Tristan with Destini leaning against him. They had their hands intertwined underneath the table. I watched as Destini laughed at something he had said. Jealousy shot through my body along with adrenaline at the thought of punching her.

"You okay?" Rhiannon asked, her eyes as large as golf balls.

"Why would I not be okay?" I asked.

"Uh. . ." her eyes darted down to my clenched fists on the table. I moved them to my lap and played with the hem of my shirt. She glanced over at the table one last time and so did I.

Tristan must've felt my eyes on him because he averted his gaze to me. At first he had a smile on his face, but then it quickly disappeared. His eyes held so much sadness and sorrow. Almost as if he regretted everything he put me through. Destini spoke something to him and he quickly turned his gaze back to her. Tristan smiled at whatever she said, but when he looked back at me I knew he was faking it.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me NotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin