Running Away Is Always The Answer

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When I walked into Health class I did my best to avoid Tristan. I didn't even look his way. When I sat in my usual seat, in the back of the room, Zane straightened up his posture, then glanced at Tristan. I know I said I wouldn't look at Tristan but I couldn't help it. He looked horrible. It looked like he hadn't slept in days, bags under his eyes, it looked like he ran his fingers through his hair at least fifty times and that normal glow in his eyes was no longer there. Tristan looked like crap because of me. I had officially rejected him almost a week ago. I was surprised though that I didn't feel any remorse for him. Then again I shouldn't after everything he put me through.

The final bell rang and I could not be any happier. I went to my locker to grab the books that I'd need for homework tonight. I slammed the locker shut and a few kids turned to look at me. I forgot that I had super human strength. Good thing I didn't damage the locker.

I burst through the front doors and took off in a somewhat sprint to my car. I threw my backpack and books into the backseat before glancing at Talon. He was leaning against the driver's side door of his car talking with Rhiannon. A couple of girls walked by and glared at her. I'm glad though that she didn't see them otherwise they'd be going to the hospital.

Tristan walked by but stopped. I thought maybe he was thinking about talking to Talon but he looked up at me with so much sadness in his eyes. I sighed and quickly got into my car before he could try to walk over to talk to me.

No one was home but I expected to see Talon soon. That's if he didn't go over to a friends or Rhiannon's. I grabbed a large pan and filled it with water. I stuck in the chicken right away and turned the stove up on high. I watched as bubbles began to surface. Then Tristan's face popped into my mind.

I know I shouldn't feel bad for him because he did put me through hell but I kept seeing the pain in his hazel eyes. It sucked that things had to be this way but it was his fault. He chose to make things this way. I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head. Rejecting him is something I had to do. It was the best thing for both of us.

Then I started thinking about Zane. I hadn't talked to him in a few days. We only talked in chemistry. We just kissed but he wanted something more than just being friends. I wasn't sure if I could give him that. He deserved better. Way better. Maxine was better.

"Whatcha doin?" Rhiannon's voice came from behind me.

I screamed. My hand was resting against my fast beating heart all the while I was panting.

"What the hell?" I said throwing a pot holder at her.

She dodged it. "I came here to tell you some good news."

"You've finally decided to go public with your relationship?"

She shook her head. "No. Something else."


Rhiannon sat on a bar stool by the kitchen island. She grabbed a spoon and dangled it back and forth between her fingers. "My dad has a friend who owns a beach house and he said that my family and I could use it. I asked my dad if it would be alright if we could go down there this weekend. What do you say? You want to go?"

"I doubt my parents would let me."

"Why not? Maxine's going too."

I shrugged and turned the fire down on low. "I don't think my parents would agree. When do you want to leave?"

"Friday morning. Come back Tuesday."

"If that means missing school, then my parents really won't let me go. Sorry."

Rhiannon puffed out her bottom lip. "Please. Pretty, pretty, pretty please. Cherries on top."

I threw my hands up. "Alright! Alright! I'll ask if I can go. But I think you should have your parents call mine. Maybe if you let Talon come-"

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