Wake Up And Smell The Heartbreak

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When I woke up I wasn't in the woods like I thought I'd be. Instead I was in my own bed. I tried to sit up but my head started spinning.

"Take it easy tiger," Rhiannon my best friend said.

I looked up at her smiling face. She was always happy and smiling, it made me sick sometimes. Even her blue eyes always seemed to smile.

I groaned. "How did I get here?"

"You're brother found you passed out in the woods."

The events from last night came rushing back to me.

"I don't want you," Tristan said sharply.

"What? Why not? We're-"

"Don't you dare say it!"


I swear if Tristan was a cartoon character, he'd have steam coming out of his ears and nose.

"I told you already. I. Don't. Want. You."

Bile started rising up in my throat and tears were about to come out. "You can't-"

"Yes I can. I am," he said through clenched teeth.


"Just stay away from me. Don't even bother talking to me." He stormed off into the trees.

I almost cried again from remembering. I hated crying. My dad always said it was a form of weakness especially in our world. So I never did it even when I broke my ankle but last night was an exception.

"Shh. Don't cry, Lilly. It's going to be alright," Rhiannon said moving hair away from my face and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. She sat on the bed with her right leg hanging off the bed. "What were you doing out in the woods?"

The tears poured out. I couldn't help myself. Rhiannon didn't understand how it felt to get rejected. Getting rejected wasn't something you went and broadcasted to everyone. She was lucky that this didn't happen to her and I hope it never did. I looked up at her face.

Her blue eyes were big and bright. She's never seen me cry so this surprised the heck out of her. I buried my face into my now pulled up knee's.

"Shh," she said again but it didn't help.

After a half hour, I finally got the waterworks to stop. Now I had a killer headache that wouldn't go away.

"Can I get some aspirin?"

Rhiannon nodded and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I got up from the bed and went into my bathroom.

I looked like crap. The girl in the mirror looked...dead. Pale skin, big green eyes, light brown hair that looked gross and lanky; as if I hadn't washed it in weeks. My cheeks were flushed, I had a red nose, and to top it off my eyes were so swollen it looked like they were about to pop out of my head.

I couldn't look at myself for another minute longer so I went back to hiding out in my bed. Rhiannon was placing two white pills and a glass of water on the nighstand. As soon as she saw me, she grabbed the pills along with the water and shoved it into my hands.


Rhiannon smiled. I threw the aspirin into my mouth and gulped down the water. Rhi took the glass from me then went back downstairs to the kitchen.

When I got into bed I pulled the covers over my head. I wonder if Tristan felt like this. Usually I wouldn't let anyone bring me down. I'd always get back up on my feet, but how could I now? It was hard and I just don't care anymore. For all I cared, I could stay in this bed and not go to school so I wouldn't have to face him.

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