The Lone Wolf

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It was a quiet night which is really odd. Usually you'd hear crickets, owls, maybe a few other birds but it was never deadly silent like it is now. I sniffed the ground catching a strange unfamiliar scent. Wolf.

A ruffling sound coming from the bushes caught my attention. I hunched down in attack mode. I listened again for a few minutes but didn't hear anything. I resumed back to sniffing the ground. In a flash I was on my back with a gray wolf on top of me, his amber eyes a few inches away from my green ones.

Who are you?

What the-? I guess that wasn't an ordinary wolf I was smelling.

Who am I? Who are you? You're on my turf!

He chuckled as best as a wolf could do. Except it sounded like he was wheezing.

Turf? Oh, right I forgot.

You forgot? Forgot what?

Never mind.

Ok then. Got off of me!

He got up and backed a few feet away. I shot up on all fours, growling at him in the process. I was in no mood to be toyed with especially after everything that just happened.

Ooh. Scary.

Leave me alone. I don't know who you are or what you want. But I suggest that if you want to live to see tomorrow in one piece then you better leave.

He plopped down onto the damp ground and licked his right paw. I narrowed my wolf eyes at him. I can't believe he thinks this is funny.

Is that a threat?

You bet your ass it is.

Right away he stopped licking his paws and examined me instead. I should've felt self conscious with his eyes raking me up and down but I was to mad to feel anything else but rage. I stood my ground and glared at him. Living with my dad you learn a thing or two.

For being a pissed off wolf, you're kind of cute. I can only imagine what you look like in human form.

I continued to glare at him. Shut up!

He laughed. I never got your name.

I never gave it to you.

A howling came from deep inside the woods, from an alpha wolf. I knew that wasn't my Dad's howl so it must be for him. Besides I don't even think dad knows I'm out here then again he might be having the pack looking for me. I doubt it but it was still a possibility.

Gotta go.

He got up and took of running in the direction of the howling. That was the second time in two days that a guy left me alone in these woods.

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I couldn't wait to get home into my warm bed. I stood at the edge of the trees in the backyard, looking around to see if anyone was outside before shifting back to human form.

The front door was locked and I didn't have my keys on me so I was left with one choice. I had to climb in through my window on the second floor. The easiest way to get through to my window was by climbing the big oak tree. I grabbed a hold on one of the branches when someone pulled me back down.

"What the heck?"

"Why'd you take off running?" Riley asked.

I gazed up into Riley's blue eyes. It was funny when Rhiannon and him were dating people use to think they were siblings. They could pass for it, they both had the same blue eyes, black hair, but Rhiannon was shorter. I would never tell anyone but when I first met Riley, I had a small crush on him. I wouldn't even put that in my journal to afraid that if it fell into the wrong hands, it spread around like the plague.

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