Mutations: ~Chapter Twenty Eight ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Eight ~


My tired eyes blinked open at the sound of a reaching voice, something stirred out of my dreamless sleep, and I couldn't shake off the feeling.

No, it was more like a pull. A ghostly voice had pierced through my deep sleep, gripping me like icy cold hands, and pulling me towards consciousness, whether I liked it or not.

"" The voice cried, suddenly tinged with fear that made my heart clench, "Please..."

My nose twitched as a familiar waft of a scent whispered through the air, jolting me into action. All of a sudden, natural instinct awakened and the hunt begun.

I don't even know what it was I was trying to track but it was just enough for me to sniff out, like a perfume lingering on rain soaked skin.

Faint, but enough for it to be caught in a breeze.

"Who are you?" I questioned the darkness, as I crept out of my room. I wondered if the voice in my head could hear me, or if it was a one-way communication.

I couldn't be sure. All I knew was that it was hidden, and I needed to find whatever 'It' was, my instincts couldn't deny the urge.

"Lost...caged..." The voice continued, sounding distraught, and my insides clenched, "Like you..."

My brow furrowed as I shook my head to myself, "I'm not. I'm not lost, or caged..." As I said it, I wondered if I was being honest to myself.

Did I know where I was? No. Did I know who I was? I don't think I ever will, it's a government secret.

Cool air brushed over the exposed skin of my calves and abdomen. I regretted not pulling a sweater over the cropped sports bra that I had worn to bed with the knee length yoga pants.

Trying to catch the scent itself was like a treasure hunt, and when it did brush against my senses, I had to fight to keep hold of it whilst watching for others.

It was the early hours of the morning. So, activity wasn't at large but there were so many patrol men that it was like they were waiting on a wondering body. Especially in the direction I was being guided in. It took all of my natural stealth and some more to keep me out of sight, but it also helped me realize something.

The voice inside of my head, knew every inch of the building. Of course, it didn't tell me this but by the way the scent would wrap around me and pull me to one direction, an armed body would swing around in the opposite.

Just like Two, it knew where people were, where they were going, and where they were coming from.

And now, so did I.

But one scent stopped me. I hadn't noticed until now that I was weaving my way through a restricted level for strict personal, but of course she would be here. I saw a flash of devilish red hair and something tore me from my initial task and towards her.

"Follow!" The voice urged me, "But stay away...from the daughter of...the demon..."

Daughter of the demon? My brows furrowed as I followed Veronica, desperate to know what she was doing up so late.

Her impeccable form was dressed in tight black pants that stretched the length of her long legs and a snug suit jacket. I followed the sound of her clicking heels, my bare feet slipping across the cool ground effortlessly behind her.

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