Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~ 

Every cell in my body was alight.

Every emotion inside of me was heightened.

Every urge pulsed withe the need to spill blood.

Blood. It seeped from the cuts in my skin as I wrestled my way out of my restraints. So close, almost there. Sweat dripped down my spine from the effort but it didn't dull my thirst, I had never felt so strong before.

A siren cut through the air, causing hysteria. I could hear dozens of voices screaming and shouting, banging against the automatically sealed doors as red flashed through the room. I could smell the fear now, like a drug that encouraged me to go on.

I lived for the hunt.

"Five!" Two's roars were directed towards the brunette-haired wolf, he was already tearing through his last restraint. Good, he was distracting them from me, "Five! Control it, force it back!"

Why on earth would he ever want to do such a thing?

I could see the animal thriving inside Five, his scent thickened with the strength that swarmed through him. My gaze caught his and I could have sworn that there was almost a chemical glow in the depths of his russet gaze.

"Six!" Three's voice was just as deep. It rumbled through the room and made me shiver a little at the power that passed through it, "Don't you dare! Think about this!"

Oh, I'd thought about it. Dreamed about it. Now I was going to do it.

A wicked grin carved my mouth as I tore through the last strap that held me down, staggering forward and landing on my knees for a second before bouncing back onto my feet. The frantic shouts turned to screams now, and the noise made me burn with excitement.

"Doctor Manor!" One of the nurses shouted with a fear stricken gaze, I didn't miss what she gripped in her sweaty hand. A rod that sparked with electricity, "Step back!"

My heart fluttered in my chest, made me itch with excitement. The nurse stepped forward with a stoic expression; trying to hide her emotions. But you can't hide anything from a wolfs nose. I could smell the fear, and apprehension dripping off her.

It took over before I could even stop it.

That animal instinct that everyone so desperately wanted to drown out. All those routines and rules that were enforced over the years were wiped clean from my mind. Even I couldn't withstand the power of my urges as I swept forward.

Electricity pulsed through me but it only hurt for a second. The woman screamed when the rod was thrown from her hand and I could feel my nails lengthen as my hand swiped through the air, the sharp talon tips carving a deep line across her neck.

Satisfaction radiated through me like a shock through my body, making me heavy with exhilaration. The blood was warm against my cool skin and I inhaled the surprisingly pleasant, coppery smell of it.

A breeze brushed against me and suddenly Five was on top of a man, one of the doctors, who I'd expected to attack me from behind. Now he was dead: puncture marks oozed with blood in his throat.

Five turned to me with an expectant look. I noticed how his face shifted every now and then, it was obvious he was at war with himself. I snorted watching as the humanity battled with the animal inside of him, but we both knew who was winning.

Because he just made his first kill, just like I had.

His breathing was heavy but we could both smell it; the intoxicating scent of adrenaline fueled fear. It hung heavy in the air, teasing me, and provoking me to spill some more blood. To win the hunt.

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