chapter 8

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"Are you sure about this? "

"Yes!" Not really.

"It Better work James."

"It will!" I hope

I turn to the the other man standing there.he was the same man who had been mysteriously flung by that girl.

" So Ben, you remember what you are supposed to do?"

" I have to provoke her, and makes sure that she shows her powers? " the sentence comes out more as a question than a statement.

"Good, now you will do this at night. And there shouldn't be anyone else there."

"Why James? " the sheriff asks.

"She will not show her powers in front of people. She needs to be alone. " duh.

The sheriff nods. I turn to Ben . He is nearly 6 feet 4 inches. I am forced to look up to him. Despite being a giant of a man he seems childish almost.

"Ready? Lets go. " he nods.


" how was the day, your majesty? Enjoyed with Vanessa? " I smile a mischievous smile at Loki as I Take out the trash.

He glares at me, " and If I though you were vexing. She was death's worst nightmare. "

I throw my head back and laugh, " oh, you poor poor man. "

"I am not a man.... "

I cut him off by saying, "really? You? I thought you were a god. You're a goddess?"

At this he sends me a Nasty look, "I am not a mere mortal and I refuse to be treated as one. "

I grin, "can you please lock up and get Vanessa out of the diner my not-a-mere-mortal ? Please? I cannot talk to her. "

Before he objects, I show him a puppy dog face. He sighs, his face slightly amused, "very well."

I mouth a thank you as he enters the diner. The night is cold and crisp. Perfect.

"Miss me?"

I turn to find the same man as the day before, standing there.

"Wasn't that night enough? Come to get whipped again?"

He growls and pulls out a large knife. I swallow and exhale. As proven telekinesis is an art that I haven't mastered yet. Please work.

I put my hand out toward him, seeming more confident than I felt. He advanced towards me. I flicked my hand. The knife flew past my head, nearly cutting my cheek. Thank you powers. Yes, By all means, please, cut my face.

He seems worried as I put my hands up again And focus, nothing happens. I try again. Something happens. His face drains of color as he flies a few feet away.

I stumble back and fall on my butt. Using my power was taxing. The sides of my vision goes blurry I try to recollect my thoughts and stand, but I fall again.

I hear the diner door open and I assume Loki comes out with Vanessa, if so, they don't notice me. I am in a corner of a dark alley behind the diner for crying out loud. I hear Vanessa's car drive away.

"Beth? Annabeth? "

"Loki?" I whisper

"What.. "

I do not know what he said next as my eyes toll back and I become unconscious.


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