kayden tops • zachary x kayden

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I was currently laying on the couch in the living room, relaxing, when something, or someone, made me scream. Someone jumped on top of me and pinned my wrists above my head. "What the heck, Kayden!" He just laughed and let go of my hands, only to tickle my sides. I broke out laughing, trying to pry his hands away, but he was much stronger that me. "Please, stop!" I got out as I continued to laugh. But now it was in pain, and I tried to breathe. Kayden seemed to notice because he was laughing harder and stopped. When I thought it was over he had his hands under my shirt in an inhuman speed and continued tickling me. "Jesus! Please!"

I finally managed to push him off the couch, but he held onto me and we both fell to the hard, wooden floor. We landed with a groan, me on top of him. Our legs were tangled together, and our faces were really close. "You okay?" he asked. "Uh, yeah..." I needed to get off him before I began blushing. Because his hands were still on my waist under my shirt, and we were really close, and I may or may not have a crush on him. I put my hands on either side of him and began raising myself up. "What're you doing?" Kayden asked.

"Uhm, getting up?"



Why was he doing this?

I felt his hands stroking my back, still under the shirt, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "You're warm..." he said.

"And you're cold, now let me go."

"Why're you blushing?" he asked.

I was about to say something, but someone screamed.

We turned our heads towards the door, and my younger sister by one year was standing there. She was smirking, looking between us. Kayden and I shared a look before I looked back at Diana.

"Oh my gods, are you together!" I was about to say 'no', but Kayden spoke before me.

"Yes." I gave him a questioning look, like what-the-fuck-are-you-doing? What the fuck?

"The ship is sailing! It's actually sailing! After shipping you for five years, you're finally together!" She then screamed and jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

Both Kayden and I were glaring at her in confusion. "Ugh, muggles..." she then disappeared into the kitchen.

"Okaaaay..." Kayden said, and turned his attention to me.

"Can I get off now?" I asked, probably still blushing.




"That's no reason. You can't use that word."

Suddenly he rolled us around so he was on top. "What the-!"

"Zachary Martin Miller!"

I gulped as mom entered the living room with her hands on her hips. Was she mad?

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, don't you 'what' me, you know what it is!" When I didn't say anything mom continued. "Your aunts, uncles and cousins are all coming over! And I told you to clean your room!"

I rolled my eyes. "Why do I need to do that?"

"Because we're having dinner guests!"

"Is the dinner happening in my room?"

"Just clean it! Get your sixteen year old ass up from the floor and clean your room!" She then looked at Kayden. "Oh, and Kayden. You're welcomed to stay, if you'd like. They're all very fond of you."

Now she had the sweet tone, but not when it came to me. Sometimes I seriously thought she prefered Kayden over me, but who wouldn't?

The emo me; black clothes, piercings, depressed, loner (except for Kayden), black hair, grey eyes, pale skin

The not emo him; all kinds of clothes, unblemished face, happy, outgoing, lots of friends (but I was his best friend, at least he told me so), dirty blond hair, brown eyes, olive skin - kind of.

So yeah...


I just finished cleaning my room, and Kayden was really helpful.

He layed on my bed the whole time, on his phone.

But I finished just as I heard the doorbell. I could hear mom's loud voice as she welcomed the with loving words. Ugh.. I was no big fan of my cousins, the girls were like Diana and the boys/guys only talked about girls and boobs. Not my thing if you haven't noticed yet.

"Zach! Kayden!" Mom's yelling made us groan as we went out of my room and up the stairs to the first floor. When we entered the kitchen everyone's eyes was on us. I quickly made my way over to an empty chair and sat down, Kayden sat down on the empty chair beside me.

It was at least five aunts, five uncles and seven or eight cousins - some were screaming monsters (babies). And they were all watching us. Wut?

Mom served everyone, and by now we were all eating. Mom talked to everyone by turn, and it got quite annoying after a while.

"So, Zach, Kayden. Diana told us you were a couple."

Kayden choked on his food and I spit out the sip of water I just took. I stared at Aunt Georgia with watering eyes, and wiped my mouth with the back of my palm.


"That you were a couple. Boyfriends, of course."

"Uh, we're not, it was just a joke," I said and chuckled.

Of course no one was believing me, I was known to joke around, so when I actually told the truth, no one believed it.

"You don't have to lie, we all accept it," Mom said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay, that's great to hear, but we're not dating..." I said. Kayden kept silent.

"Do you use protection?" Aunt Katy asked.

"What? No, because we've never done anything. We're not dati-!"

"GIVE US THE DEETS!" The girls yelled.


"I bet Kayden tops," said... Henry, a fourteen year old...


"...!" I made a sound in surprise when something soft pressed against my lips. Kayden was kissing me, kissing ME. ME! But everyone was watching...

I moaned and kissed back, moving my lips against his moving ones. Kayden's hand was on my thigh under the table, going towards my groin.

Kayden had just plunged his tongue into my mouth, moaning, when I was suddenly reminded we had company, like my WHOLE family. I pulled back, hehe, slowly. The room had been silent the entire time, filled with kissing sounds and moans, but now it was completely silent. I cleared my throat and stood up, leaving the room. I could hear someone else stand up and follow me, but I continued walking. I went out the front door and sat down on the stairs below it. The door was open, and someone else walked out and sat down beside me.

I knew it was Kayden, I knew how he smelled. Okay, that sounded odd, but it was true...

Without a word, we turned our heads at the same time, and smashed our lips together.


hope you liked it x3

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