hair dye • joe x vic

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"Okay... Let's see. We have red, orange, green, blue and purple," I paused. "Wait, where's the yellow one?"

"Here," my best friend - since literally birth - said, and placed the yellow manic panic hair dye beside the others.

He then took a seat on the wooden chair in front of the mirror and grinned at me. I shook my head and stood behind the chair. "Seriously, Vic, you're crazy. I've never done this before, what if your hair falls off?"

Vic rolled his eyes. "Joe, it's not gonna fall off... I hope," he muttered the last part but I heard it.

"Whatever you say, dude."

I then put the plastic gloves on and dipped my fingers into the red hair color. "Eww, this feels weird. It's all wet..."

Vic chuckled.

"It's not funny! Feel that?" I dragged my fingers up his cheek.

"What the fuck, man?!"

I began massaging the red in some places of his bleached hair.

"Dang that's cold!" Vic exclaimed and tried to get away.

"Bitch sit still or I'll mess this up."

He immediately stilled. I was being serious. I could just dump all the red into his hair and he would probably have to bleach it again.


I was massaging the green in ten minutes later.

"Lean your head back."

He did and our eyes kinda met. His beautiful golden eyes.

He was grinning, making me ask, "What?"

"Nothing..." his voice was dreamy and his eyes never left mine as I scanned his hair.

"Then blue..."

I changed the gloves out with new ones and scooped the hair color with my fingers, before massaging it in undyed spots of his hair.

"Okay, that feels good..." Vic closed his eyes and a groan escaped his parted lips. I gulped - maybe too loudly - and shifted in my standing position.

Vic opened his eyes curiously. "What?"

"What what?" My attempt on acting casual went straight to hell.

He raised an eyebrow. "You're nervous."

Well of course I'm nervous, I'm only inches away from the guy I'm in love with, wouldn't you be nervous?!

Instead I said, "Don't know what you're talking about."

"I would be nervous too if I was this close to my crush."

I froze at his words, and for a second my heart stopped.

"I know you like me, Joe." I expected disgust in is voice but there was none.

How could he know? I had never shown any signs. He didn't even know I was gay.

"I'm kidding!" he suddenly yelled out. "Jeez, you should've seen your face! It was like you actually had a crush on me!"

He was laughing. LAUGHING......

I finished with the blue color and switched to purple. He continued to laugh and talk about how I should've seen my face.


"Okay, it's time to wash it out!" I yelled from his bathroom.

Vic entered seconds later, shirtless, and got on his knees in front of the shower, leaning his upper half into it. He had decided it would be more fun if I washed it out instead of him.

Lazy fucker.

I stood behind him and turned the water on, spraying his hair with it.

I then reached for the conditioner and massaged it into his hair. As I was doing this, I accidentally got some of it in his eyes.

"DUDE!" he yelled over the sound of the water. "THAT BURNS!"

"Fuck, I'm sorry."

I quickly washed the conditioner out of his hair

I was about to turn the water off when Vic grabbed the shower head from my hand and twisted around.

Water hit my face and I stumbled backwards. Vic was suddenly on his feet and sprayed water all over me. "VIC, WHAT THE HELL?!"

There was water all over the floor, all over me and all over my best friend.

Vic had turned the shower off, and he was laughing.


I slipped and landed hard on my butt. "Fuck! Stop laughing and gimme a hand here!"

Vic took a step towards me and reached a hand down. I grabbed it and pulled him harshly towards me.


He landed on top of me, making me groan in pain.

Vic was on his knees, straddling me, supporting himself with his elbows on either side of my head. Heh...

We were both soaked. Water dripped from his hair and from the tip of his nose on my face. I swear I stopped breathing.

His golden eyes. His beautiful golden eyes. It's not because of his eyes I fell in love with my best friend. It's so much more. But I'm not gonna list every reason, it would take so long and you would probably fall asleep. And you can't exactly choose who you love.

"Joe? Are you even listening?"

I blinked.

For a second, it was like his eyes flickered down to my lips, before he stood up.


"Dude, this looks awesome!" Vic entered the living room and threw himself onto the couch beside me.

His hair actually looked awesome. He looked awesome...

"What're we watching?" He asked, turning his attention to the TV.

"Uhh, Lucifer I think..."

"That's just boring, mind if I...?"

"Not at all, go ahead."

We ended up watching That 70's Show, well, he was watching. I, on the other hand, was staring at him.

Okay, that sounded creepy.

Vic suddenly turned his head towards me. I immediately glanced down, cheeks heating up.

I was too busy fiddling with the hundreds of rings on my fingers to notice him scooting closer, but when our knees touched I jumped away from him - twisting my body so my back was against the armrest.

Vic had a smirk on his face as he crawled towards me, parting my knees which was against my chest, and leaned down. I gulped.

"I would be nervous too if I was this close to my crush," he whispered.

His face was only inches away from mine. "I know you like me, Joe..."

Well, fuck him.

He was getting on my nerves.

Like, stahp it, you're confusing me.

He's probably just kidding.

There's no way he could know.

"I'm not kidding."

That was all he had to say. His words. How close we were.

His next words was something I'd never forget coming out of his mouth.

"I like you too, I have always liked you."

Instead of exploding with 'why didn't you tell me?!' or 'bitch, I've waited for years and you tell me this now?!' I moved my head closer to his, and my lips brushed his as I said;

"Kiss me then."

hope you liked it x3

i'm considering making part 2 of one of these, but i dunno which one, any wishes? xP

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