it's been two years • isaac x jayden

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His name was Jayden Wills. Used to be my best friend... From age seven to fifteen...

When I saw him in the clothing store, my heart almost stopped. I could spot him from meters away. He looked different, maybe because it had been two years since I last saw him. He was taller, had more muscles, his hair was a darker shade of brown, and he had a lip piercing.

His eyes met mine and I quickly glanced away. He probably didn't recognize me. I had changed a lot since we last talked.

I had always been the nerd. Everyone called me a nerd, probably because I looked like one and loved reading. I wore glasses, old weird clothes, my hair was short, I almost didn't have any, and I was a skinny stick walking on two legs.

Now, I actually had hair. I replaced the glasses with lenses. I was still skinny (but not that skinny). I threw away all my clothes and replaced them with new ones. Mostly black pants and all kinds of hoodies. I wasn't that nerd anymore, but I still read. Everyone in my family said I looked like a different person.

The reason we weren't friends anymore was because Jayden wanted to get a girlfriend, and if he was seen with me he wouldn't be popular, and everyone would think he was gay because I was.

Openly gay and proud, that's what I was. I didn't care what others thought about it, unless they said something mean out loud to me or to others who weren't straight.

I felt Jayden's eyes on me as I walked around in the store, looking for a new hoodie. He was surrounded by other guys - who looked like jocks. They all stared at the girls in sight, except Jayden. It was a little weird and uncomfortable. I actually had a crush on him when I was like fourteen-fifteen. He never told me his sexuality but I figured he was straight because he always talked about girls.

I hated people who dated others just because of their looks. I didn't care about looks. If I was into someone, I didn't like them because of the way they looked.

Anyway, I eventually found a nice looking hoodie and went to the changing rooms. I found an empty one and went inside, closing the door. I took off the hoodie I was already wearing and put the new one on. Well, I tried, but my arms got stuck so I didn't see a thing. I stumbled around, trying to get it off again, but it didn't work. I began panicking. I hated when I couldn't breathe properly and there was no escaping.

As I tried to get it off I didn't hear the door open and close. Suddenly the hoodie was gone, and I stood shirtless, panting. When I saw who was in front of me, I stumbled backwards against the wall. Jayden stood there, eyes scanning me up and down. Wait, what?

"What the hell? Get out!"

But he didn't move. Instead, he took a step towards me.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before.."

Uhh, yeah you have.

"Leave please, I'd like some privacy," I said and tried to pull the hoodie out of his hands but he was stronger than me.

"Not until you tell me your name."

"Luke," I said without hesitating. "Luke Neilson."

Isaac Riggs, really, but he didn't need to know that.

"Nice name," he said, and then pinned my arms above my head.

"What the heck?" I exclaimed, trying to get out of his grip. "Let me go!"

Then he smashed his lips against mine, kissing me. His lips were unbelievably soft as they moved against mine unmoving ones. Wow, if he knew who I really was...

He moaned quietly and put his hands on my hips. Maybe I should just enjoy the moment.

I put a hand behind his neck and the other tangled into his hair as I kissed him back. I felt his tongue against my lips and that's when I got insecure. I'll admit, I had never kissed with tongue. Yup, that's me. Seventeen years old...

I pushed him away from me. He looked confused and disappointed. I grabbed my old hoodie, threw it on, and ran past him out of the room and through the store. I was supposed to walk out of the store with a new hoodie, but fuck that shit.

What did I just do?


I was watching some random bad movie on Netflix when the doorbell rang. I groaned and stood up. One thing I had always hated was opening the door. Now I was home alone so no one else could do it for me.

I went over to the door and opened it.

My eyes widened. Jayden stood there.

"Luke? Why're you here?" He asked.

"Uhm, visiting an old friend who lives here..."

"Is his name Isaac? Because I kinda have to talk to him."

"Uhm, he's not home at the moment, you could stop by later. Bye!" I said and was about to close the door when his foot got in the way. I opened the door again and he stepped inside. Bitch when did I say you could enter my house?

He walked into the living room and sat down as if he lived there. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

I went over to him and sat down beside him, keeping my distance. But Jayden moved closer, so our thighs were touching. I held my breath as he put a hand on my thigh, moving in towards my groin. I glanced sideways at him and saw that his eyes were on the screen.

Then his hand was on my groin. I jumped up and took a few steps away from the couch. "What the heck are you doing?" I asked.

"What you and I both know you want," Jayden said and stood up too.

Ugh, he's just like most guys...

I walked backwards into the kitchen and he followed. I backed up against the kitchen counter. What. A. Stupid. Thing. To. Do. He was pressing himself against me, lifting me onto the counter. His mouth sucked on my neck seconds after. I tried to push him away, but to no use. His teeth grazed my neck and I moaned.


He pulled back and stared at me in shock. "How do you know my name?" He asked. Fuck.


I jumped off the counter and was about to exit the room when he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"How did you-?"

He was cut off by another voice. "Isaac, honey. There you are!"

Mom entered the kitchen. When she saw Jayden, she stopped dead in her tracks. "J-Jayden?"

But Jayden was glaring at me. In shock? Surprise? Disappointment? Anger? Sadness? Confusion? Happiness?

"Isaac?" He got out.

I didn't answer.

"Are you Isaac?"

"Of course he's Isaac," Mom said while unpacking the shopping bags.

Jayden stared at me, up and down. "Isaac..."

hope you liked it xP

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