it's been two years (part two) • isaac x jayden

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oml it has been aGES i'm so sorry aaAaHh. lots of reasons for that but i guess the biggest reason was because i couldn't go back and read what i had already published to make a part two. it was just TOO cRINGy. so yEah some people wanted a part two of this one so i thought i'd give it a try even tho right now as i'm writing this i have no idea how to fucking sTart.

"Isaac?" He got out.

I didn't answer.

"Are you Isaac?"

"Of course he's Isaac," Mom said while unpacking the shopping bags.

Jayden stared at me, up and down. "Isaac..."

"Heh... yeah..." I had no idea what to say or do. I glanced over at mom who raised an eyebrow. "MOM!" I exclaimed, making her and Jayden jump. "Do you need any help?"

"No, hun, I'm good? Jayden, it's good to see you?" she said, sounding unsure. "Would you like to stay over for dinner?"

Jayden didn't answer. I could still feel his eyes on me. Jeez, I knew I was hot but damn. Okay that was not true. I was a proud potato though.

Mom cleared her throat and I saw Jayden turn his head towards her. That's when I ran. Yup, ran like Thomas in the maze wOOP. I made it to the front door and went out. Maybe running from my problems would work.

I didn't know where I was going, but I eventually stopped. Just... stopped.

What on earth was I supposed to do? He fucking left me because he wanted to get a girlfriend and be popular. Sounds as stupid as it was. He didn't want to be seen with me because I was 'the faggot who eye-raped every guy in sight', and people would think he was gay because I was. Well excuse me but that didn't make any sense.

Eight years of friendship down the drain because he wanted to be popular. Or because I was a fag. Yeah, probably the last one. My life was like some story you'd find on wattpad. [;)]

What if I was straight? Everything would be better. I'd still be best friends with Jayden. I wouldn't have been judged because of my sexuality. Life would probably be so much better.

I missed him. The way his eyes would light up when he saw me. How we used to stay up all night and watch scary movies. How we ditched school some days just to do stupid things, meaning we literally did nothing. Our families hanging out together in the park. His laugh. His smile. His eyes. Just... him. The crush I had on him was gone. At least I thought so. I did kiss him back in the changing room, but who wouldn't kiss an attractive ass guy if he made the first move? Like, come on. And damn the way his cold lip piercing felt against my lips. I'd give anything to feel that again.


I swear to god my heart stopped. That voice. So familiar. So safe.

"Hey," I said, but it came out as a whisper. It was loud enough because I could hear Jayden come closer, until he was standing right beside me.

It was quiet, none of us said anything.

I felt like I had to say something, or else we would probably stand in silence until a new season of Sherlock came out.

We spoke on the same time. "I'm sorry."

I looked at him in shock, and he was looking at me, just as shocked. Why the hell was he apologizing? "Why are you saying sorry?"

Jayden seemed so done. "Why am I saying sorry? Really? Isaac, honestly. I was a jerk. I left the person I cared about. The person who meant the most to me. I left you for some skank who's probably fucking someone right now as we speak. I left you because I believed that being popular was the most important thing in the world. But you know what? Popularity is not important at all. Maybe to some people. But friendship is so much more important. I wanted to be popular and have lots of friends. But you were more important than them. No, you are more important than them. And I am so sorry I didn't realize that until it was too late. So why are you apologizing to me?"

"I-I-I'm sorry I'm gay," I mumbled.

Jayden blinked. "Jesus Christ, Isaac don't apologize for that. It's nothing to be sorry for. Not your choice. Hell, I'm not straight, but that's not the point. There's nothing wrong with it. So what if you're gay."

"Wasn't that the reason you left me? Other than the fact that you wanted a girlfriend and wanted to be popular?"

"I left you because I was stupid. No, you know what? There's not a word in the world that could describe how fucking stupid I was. And you deserve so much more than a 'sorry' for what I did. I-."

"You're right," I interrupted. "I do deserve more."

I took a step closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't help but smirk as I leaned closer.

"Kiss me bitch," I whispered, and he laughed.

"Damn, I cannot believe it's been two years," he said before connecting our lips.

it's fucking crap i'm sorry T_T

hope you liked it though xp

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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