Chapter 10

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--Nathan's P.O.V--

"I need to go get more blood", I said as the lads paced around worrying.

I walked outside in the cool November air. Snow was falling and blanketing the ground.

I walked in the forest slowly looking for prey. I heard a rustling behind me, and I whipped around.

There was nothing there. I felt arms grab me. I elbowed them. A second person grabbed me and threw me in a van.

--Emily's P.O.V--

I heard someone walk down the stairs. Luke came into view. I stayed quiet. He walked over to me.

"Come with me", he said undoing the chains. I stayed quiet and followed him.

There was no point on trying to escape right now. I don't know they layout of the house. If I tried to escape I would just get caught. Then I might be in worse conditions than I'm in now.

He pushed me into a room. I noticed it was his bedroom. He came over to me and kissed my neck.

I pushed him off of me. It only made him angry. He slapped me in the face making me whimper.

"Do what I say or you get punished", he snarled. I stood there quietly. "Good girl", Luke said.

"P-please don't", I whimpered. He caressed my cheek. "Don't worry, it'll feel better than any other sex you've had", Luke said in my ear making me cringe.

He tied me down. "P-please don't do this", I said a tear escaping my eye. He didn't say anything.

He tore off all of my clothes. He took off his clothes.

More tears ran down my face. He went into me, making me cry even harder. I sobbed.

The door opened and someone was constricting Nathan. The guy held Nathan standing there.

I sobbed even harder. Nathan punched the guy and got out of his grip.

He pushed Luke off of me and began fighting him. I sobbed.

My vision was blurry from all the tears but I could see Nathan punch Luke making him collapse.

He punched the other guy making him black out too. He ran over to me and untied me.

"I'm sorry", Nathan said to me. I sobbed into his chest. He passed me my clothes. I quickly put them on.

He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room. There were some of Luke's followers standing there.

They grabbed me and Nathan. We tried to fight them but there were too many.

They took us back in the basement and chained us up. "N-Nathan, I'm sorry", I sobbed. "It's not your fault baby. I'm going to kill him, I won't let him hurt you", Nathan said.

--Tom's P.O.V--

"We need to go get them. Where the fuck is Nath?" I asked. "I don't know, it's been two hours Nath should of been back by now", Jay said.

"Let's just focus on getting the girls back", Max said. "Max could you track their sent?" Siva asked.

"I could do that", Max said. "We should use an invisibility spell so they don't see us", Jay said.

I was worried about Lois. If they hurt her I'm going to fucking kill them. I couldn't loose her. I loved her too much.

"Let's wait another half hour for Nath and if he doesn't come we're going without him", Siva said. We all nodded.


"Let's go, he's not showing up", Jay said looking at the clock. We all got our coats on and started walking.

We couldn't use the car because then Max couldn't track the sent.


"They have to be in there", Max said pointing to an old rundown house. "Invisibility spells", I reminded them.

Jay and Siva pulled out their wands. They cast the spells on us. We could see each other but anyone else around couldn't.

We burst open the door. All of Luke's followers looked confused. "Is it one of the bitch's ghost friends?" one of them asked.

"She's a fucking freak", one guy said. Max punched the guy in the face. Jay did a knock back spell on the other guy.

Me and Siva ran downstairs to the basement. "Lois?" I whispered. "Tom!" she said.

I ran over to her and broke the chains that were restricting her. I pulled her into a hug. Tears streamed down my face.

"I'm so glad you're ok", I said. It was really dark in the basement, she couldn't see I was invisible.

"Nareesha?" Siva called. "Over here", she said. "Emily?" I called. "Me and Nath are over here", she said quietly.

"Coming", I said walking in their direction. I saw them and undid their shackles.

"I need to do an invisibility spell on all of you", Siva said. He waved his wand making them invisible.

"Alright we have to be quiet", I said. They all nodded. We walked up the stairs and ran for the door.

Max and Jay ran after us. We ran back to the cabin. I locked all the doors and windows.

--Emily's P.O.V--

I sat on the couch and buried my face in Nathan's strong chest. I started shaking and crying.

Nathan kissed my head and rubbed my back. "It's ok, you're safe with me", Nathan said soothingly.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to kill him", he said. "Good", I said my voice being muffled by his chest.

"I need a shower", I said getting up. "Are you sure you're ok?" Nathan asked me. "I'm ok now", I said. "Alright", Nathan said.

I was disgusted by what Luke did to me. It was horrible. He is insane. I hate him. He will die young...


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