Chapter 15

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We were on our way to the photo shoot. Nathan was driving. I was in the back seat with Siva.

Max was sitting in the passenger side. "So when is the photo shoot?" I asked. "Four", Siva said. "Alright", I said.

"Then we'll go get you some different clothes back at the house", Nathan said. "Why?" Max asked. "Because the girls packed everything short, tight, and revealing. I don't like that. I don't feel comfortable", I said.

"What are you talking about? You look like you always do", Max said confused. I unzipped Nathan's sweater.

"Oh", Max said starring at me. "Eyes off, she's my mate", Nathan said defensively. I looked out the window to see we were beginning to turn off the road....... Towards a huge tree......

"Nathan!" I screamed pointing at it. It was too late. Bam!

I hit the back of Nathan's seat. Siva was pushed against me. Tears were running down my face. "Where did Nathan go?!" Max asked panicked.

I saw the hole in the windshield and screamed. I quickly got out frantically looking for Nathan. "Nathan?!" I screamed tears streaming down my face.

I saw him laying on the ground blood covered. He was unconscious. "No!" I yelled breaking down. I began sobbing.

Rounds of sobs racked my body. Siva and Max ran over. "He needs to drink your blood", Siva said.

I quickly grabbed a piece of glass and slit my wrist. I held it above Nathan's mouth. "Please wake up", I begged.

My blood dripped in his mouth, nothing happened. I let more drops fall. "Please!" I begged sobbing. Siva and Max were kneeling beside me frowning with tears in their eyes.

"Please baby please!" I begged tears coming down my face. I held my wrist dropping blood in his mouth for about five minutes.

"He's gone", Max said tears leaving his eyes. Siva also had tears coming down his face. "No he's not!" I screamed crying on Nathan's chest.

"Please, please, please", I begged with all my heart about a hundred times. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Nathan's green eyes starring at me.

I sobbed happy tears. "Don't leave, I need you", I said sobbing. "I'm not going anywhere", Nathan said sounding weak. Nathan tried getting up.

"Don't, you need to rest", Max said. "I put a glamour around here so no one except supernaturals can see us. We don't want human authority's trying to take you to the hospital", Siva said.

I felt him, he felt freezing. I took off my winter jacket and draped it over him. "I'm fine", he said. "You need to keep warm", I said to him.

"I'll call Jay and tell them what happened", Siva said. I nodded. "Max can you call Karen and Jess?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Make sure you keep dropping the blood in his mouth", Siva said. I nodded. "Emily, move him in the bushes over there to shelter him from the wind. He'll freeze to death if he stays out here", Siva said.

I nodded and helped Nathan get up. He was shaking and trying to walk. I was holding him up so he wouldn't collapse.

I pulled him over to a bush and set him beside it. I sat beside him. Nathan grabbed my hand and intwined our fingers.

I dropped more blood in his mouth. "I'm sorry", Nathan said. "Shhh, it's ok. Just rest", I said.

"If I don't make it-" I cut Nathan off. "Don't you dare say that. You're going to make it. I'm not letting you go", I said.

Ignite -First Book In The Darkest Midnight Series (Nathan Sykes) [dirty]Where stories live. Discover now