Chapter 21

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"Welcome everyone", Matt said his voice booming. We all sat in the pack house's meeting room.

"Luke and Hunter have formed an alliance and plan to overthrow the King and Queen", Matt said in his Alpha voice. There were a few gasps from the people sitting around me.

Riley then stepped in. "We want who is willing to fight to stay. Whoever can not fight please leave the room", Riley said.

"Children, and elderly will not be asked to fight", Matt added. Everyone remained seated.

"I will be giving the orders to the soldiers. Emily will be our leader. She is what Luke wants, she will defy him by being our leader to victory", Matt said. Everyone's eyes went on me.

Matt pulled a string and a sheet came off of a poster on the wall. The poster had a crescent moon with a star in the middle.

"Emily would you like to come up here and say something?" Matt asked. I wanted to say no and slide down my seat so everyone wasn't staring at me.

But that wasn't an option, I was supposed to be a leader. I hesitantly got out of my seat and made my way to the front.

I stood next to Matt. Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to speak. "Hello, I'm Emily. Matt and I will help us lead to victory", I said confidently.

I was shocked on how I could be confident. When you hate someone with a passion I guess it's easier to lead an army to kill them.

"Emily will be our midnight stone; our symbol of defiance", Matt spoke.

"Training begins tomorrow, it will be placed over the time of two weeks. It will begin every morning at eight sharp", Matt said.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Matt asked. Everyone stayed silent. "You are dismissed."

Nathan came over to me. I took his hand and intwined out fingers. Keeleigh walked over to us.

"Here you go midnight stone", she said handing me a small black leather box. "What's this?" I asked. "Your token", she said.

"My what?" I asked. "Just open it", she huffed. I opened the box to reveal a ring. Not just any ring, it had engravings on it.

There was a crescent moon with a star in the middle, just like on the poster. I pulled it out of the box and took a closer look.

It had words engraved on the back. Defeat All Evil.

I smirked and pulled it on my finger. "Do you like it?" Keeleigh asked. "I do", I said a smile tugging on my lips.

"Great", Keeleigh said.


I was holding a bow and arrow ready to hit the target. I imagined the red dot to be Luke's heart.

I let the arrow fly and it landed in the middle of the target. "Wow", I heard Matt say from behind me.

"It's nothing really", I said with a shrug. "I've never seen someone do that well on their second try", he said in astonishment.

I shrugged and saw Nathan attempting to shoot an arrow. He missed the target completely. "I'm going to help him", I said.

Matt nodded and walked off to observe someone else. I walked over to Nathan who was groaning in frustration.

"Need some help?" I asked him. He turned around and smiled at me. I motioned for him to step aside.

I held up my bow and put the arrow on the string. I pulled it back and focused on where I wanted it to land. Luke's heart.

Ignite -First Book In The Darkest Midnight Series (Nathan Sykes) [dirty]Where stories live. Discover now