Chapter 18

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We had just got back from the boys show in Manchester. They were amazing. They have so much fun on stage.

We were standing in the lobby. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was 9:00. "Do you lot want to go to the pub?" Jay asked. "I'm up for it", Max said.

"We can't drink yet", I said. "You guys go. We'll just say here and watch a movie or something", Nathan said.

"Alright", Max said. They all walked towards the van. "Can we go for a walk?" I asked. "Alright", Nathan said.

We took the back door outside and started walking. It was almost December, meaning it was quite cold.

There was a small blanket of snow covering the ground. "Can vampires even drink alcohol?" I asked Nathan.

"We can eat and drink things humans do. But when were 17 we have to just drink blood", Nathan said.

"No chocolate cake for a whole year", I said with a frown. "But when we turn 18 we can eat all the cake we want", Nathan said with a chuckle.

"I'm going to eat a whole cake for my birthday", I said with a chuckle. "When is your birthday?" Nathan asked.

"July 14th", I replied. "Mine is April 18th", Nathan said. I nodded.

Nathan poked me. I looked up at him and poked him back. "What was that for?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I just wanted to poke you", Nathan said. "Weirdo", I said rolling my eyes.

"But I'm your weirdo", Nathan said wrapping his arms around me. "My weirdo", I said with a chuckle.

I saw someone up in front of us. They were quickly walking towards us. "Who is that?" I said. "Whoever it is I'll protect you from them", Nathan said pushing me behind him.

"Don't worry, it's me Holt", he said. "Holt, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I need to speak with you", he said.

"She's not going anywhere unless I go with her", Nathan said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"You can come too Nathan. Come on, it's not safe out here", Holt said waving us to follow him.

We tried to keep up with him. He moved swiftly and quickly. After a few minutes of walking Holt stopped.

Standing in front of him was an old building. It seemed to have once been a shop.

"Hurry, inside", he said to us. We walked inside. Holt came in and locked the door behind him.

"What is it you need?" Nathan asked. "Its about Luke", Holt said. "What about him?" Nathan asked.

"He's coming for you. Hunter the Alpha has formed an alliance with him. He has found your location", Holt said.

"We will be leaving in the morning", Nathan said. "I still need to talk with you about your powers", Holt said to me.

A man came into the room. It was dark so I couldn't see their face. "Well, well look who we have here", the mystery man said.

"Thank you for your assistance Idris", the man said to Holt. Suddenly Holt changed. It wasn't Holt; a shapeshifter.

"Anytime master", Idris said. Nathan pulled me closer to him. "What you you want?" Nathan asked defensively.

"Now, now Nathaniel you know very well what I want", he said cooly. "I'm here for her", he said.

The lights flicked on, standing there was Luke. But behind him was the pack of werewolves. There was also a man -Idris- who we thought was Holt.

"You're not taking her", Nathan growled. "I'm sure you'll cooperate when you see that I've got some of your friends", he said.

He flicked on a monitor and there was everyone tied up. "Let them go", Nathan snarled.

"Not until I get what I want", Luke said. Nathan's grip on me tightened. "Take me, just please. Let her leave", Nathan begged.

"Very well", Luke said. Guards came up and grabbed Nathan. "No!" I screamed.

A werewolf picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Let me down", I snarled. He opened the door and threw me outside.

I grabbed my necklace and made an energy ball. I pushed it up against the door but nothing happened.

Fuck. It's enchanted.

I let out a frustrated growl. The only person I could think of going to was Holt.

I ran down streets that looked familiar and I ended up at his house. I banged on his door, but there was no answer.

"Fucking hell", I mumbled. Where was I so posted to go now? I went back to the hotel and got my bag.

"How am I so posted to get home?" I mumbled to myself. "I could help you", a girl said. I looked to my left to see a girl with brown wavy hair and greenish blue eyes.

"I understand I'm a stranger, but I'm a friend of Skylar. I know you're a supernatural", she said.

"They've been kidnapped by Luke", I said. "What? I thought they went out for a drink?" she said. "They did, and then they got kidnapped. I'm going to need some help getting them back", I said.

"Well, we'll make a great team. I'm Keeleigh", she said sticking out her hand. "Emily", I said shaking it.

"I'm a Shadow Hunter", she said. "Necromancer and Vampire", I said. "I heard", she said. I chuckled and got up.

"Where we off to then?" Keeleigh asked. "Not sure", I said with a sigh. "I know some people in London we could get backup", she said.

"Alright London it is", I replied. "I'm going to get my things", she said. I nodded and waited for her.

She came back down holding her suitcase. "Let's go then. We have no time to waste", she said twirling her car keys.

I followed her out to he car. I put my suitcase in the back. She threw hers in the backseat and we began driving to London.


Early chapter!! And I know this is kinda short..... But I can't help but publish it 🙈

So I've introduced @Jaythans_Bxtch into the story now!!

Comments and votes are greatly appreciated!! :)

-Emily xx

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