Penelope Meets Maya

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"Clutterbucket!" His voice echoed off of the lockers. I turned and my eyes widened. I tried to hide but I couldn't. He had already spotted me.

"Salutations Lucas." I smiled weakly trying not to show my terror.

"I can smell your fear from here nerd." I whirled around, my ginger pig tails swinging around my head. Then I ran. "Get back here nerd!" He called. I kept running until I hit something. Not something, someone. Isaiah Babineau.

"I'm so sorry Isaiah." I whimpered.

"Its Zay. Now my friend wanted to talk to you." He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face an angry Lucas.

"You caught the runt. Nice one bud. " He fist bumped his best friend.

"Please Lucas and Is-Zay. Let me go." I pleaded.

"Little miss four eyes is scared of you. Is it because she's in love with you?" Zay teased. My eyes went wide.

"I think you might be right." I felt Zay move from behind me. Then Lucas stepped forward. I stepped back. This repeated until my back hit the lockers. Lucas kept moving closer until his body was crushing mine. He leaned down so he was in front of my face. He roughly placed his lips on mine but for only a second before pulling away and moving towards my ear.

"You will always be broken Penelope. Clutterbucket. No one will ever love you." He snapped. Tears ran down my face as he walked away laughing at me.

I ran out the door and sprinted to my house. I heard sobs coming from inside as I approached.

"Mom?" I asked when I walked in. "Where's Dad?"

"Penny! Oh. You shouldn't be home this early." She stood up and quickly wiped away her tears.

"Where's Dad?" I asked once again.

"Oh Sweetie. Your father left us." My mom sighed opening her arms for me. I collapsed into her arms. I wept which fogged up my glasses.

"Mom a boy kissed me. I didn't want him to. He just did." I gushed. "Now dad left and it's all my fault. He couldn't love me."

"Baby girl he loves you. He couldn't love me."

"He left me too!" I cried. She squeezed me in her arms. I looked around the house. "I want to startover. I don't want to be a nerd that gets picked on. I want to be tough. And pretty."

"Baby you are pretty."

"No I'm not! Please mom. I don't want to be in Texas anymore." She sighed but I could tell she was thinking.

"Your father left a car and enough money that we could drive somewhere and start a new life. Just the two of us."

"Let's move to New York! " I squealed.

"Penelope, if this is what you want we can move to New York."

"This is what I want. I'm tired of being the victim. I'm tired of being Penelope Clutterbucket. My name is now and forever Maya Hart."

"I like it. I never liked Penelope anyways she laughed." I didn't either. My dad had picked it.

"Thank you mom. I love you."

"I love you too baby girl." My mom smiled. We both had tears dried on our faces. "Now go pack your stuff. We're moving to New York."

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