Maya Meets Zay

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Time passed and Lucas made no advances. Josh was around but things were the same as before. We were kind of friends but nothing more.

A couple months later we got a new student. He walked in and I instantly recognized him and his sly comments only confirmed my suspicions. It was Lucas old partner in crime. Isaiah Babineau.

"Someone in this room is going to be very surprised to see me." He smirked. We all looked around the room. I knew who he was talking about but why wouldn't he have told Lucas he was coming. What did I miss after I left Texas.

"You got a transfer slip kid?"

"Yeah I do. Ooh and check out those grades. Here let me sing it to you. DDDDDDF."

"Hey I know that song." I chuckled keeping up my new persona.

"Isaiah Babineau from Austin Texas. " Matthews announced. All heads whipped around to face Lucas.

"What are you doing here Zay?" Lucas was not pleased to see his friend. Something big must have happened.

"Well the first thing I'm doing is waiting for a better reaction from you." Lucas just shook his head while Zay took his seat behind him.

"So Lucas, you know this Isaiah?" Riley asked slightly concerned by the new change.

"Yeah tell em you know me real good." Zay smirked.

"How about we talk later." Lucas told Zay in a voice I hadn't heard since he told me no in the closet that day.

"Well Mr Babineau if you worked out as well as our last new student we are happy to have you."

"Wait Lucas you're doing okay here? Not currently on probation, they just let you walk around just like that?"

"What is he talking about Moral Compass?" I asked looking from Lucas to Zay.

"Did you just call Lucas Friar your Moral Compass? She just called you Moral Compass." He laughed. "I'm gonna shut up now."

Class continued with tension in the air. At the end of class I left but I was stopped by Isaiah Babineau.

"Have we met before?" He asked studying my face.

"I don't think so." I replied keeping myself calm.

"You look familiar. Are you banging Lucas?" My eyes went wide at his question.

"No! And even if I was it would be none of your buisness!" I snapped.

"Woah cool down. I've known him a long time and I see the way he looks at you. I just kind of assumed." Zay laughed at my anger. Unlike Lucas, he hadn't changed a bit. Then I processed his words and a blush quickly formed on my cheeks.

"Huckleberry and I are just friends." I stated.

"For now." Zay winked before casually walking away as if nothing happened.

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