Maya Meets Rejection

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I got on the subway and didn't see Lucas. He didn't leave with us for some reason and now he was going to miss it. I got on with Riley and we made our way to Abigail Adams high.

When we arrived I saw Lucas with his signature smirk that I wanted to slap off of his face everytime I saw it.

"How did you get here?" I asked extremely puzzled.

"I have a car..." He stated.

"But you took the subway with us to Rileys yesterday. How did your car get to her house? "

"I live down the street." He rolled his eyes at me. Farkle walked over and I was thankful for his presence.

"Ladies." He smiled flirtatiously as always.

"Farkle." I replied. Usually Riley would say it with me but she was too busy staring at Charlie.

Lucas had a hint of jealousy in his eyes. I didn't know if it was for me or Riley. Then again why would he be jealous of Farkle? He knows we're just friends. I needed to keep Lucas away from Riley. I needed him to fall for me.

"Huckleberry." I said drawing his attention to me.

"Yes Hart?" He asked looking amused.

"Wanna go out with me?" This completely caught him off guard.

"What?" He choked on the word.

"Wanna take me to a movie, put our hands in the popcorn and-"

"No." He stated simply. Farkle and I both stared wide eyed at the cowboy who had just rejected me.

"OK. " I sighed. I didn't know how to react. Maya Hart had never been rejected before. Unless you count Josh but that seemed to end in up in my favor. Of course Lucas would be the first. I grabbed Farkles hand and dragged him away.

"Farkle I don't know what to do. This plan isn't going to work if Lucas is in love with Riley. She would never purposely break his heart." I groaned.

"Maya it's only the second day. Give him time. Any guy would be foolish not to fall for you." I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "If you want I can talk to him."

"Not yet. I'm going to seduce him."

"Maya no." Farkle immediately shut down my idea.

"Fine." I winked at Farkle before rushing away so he couldn't stop me.

"Peaches!" Riley blocked my path. "Why did you leave?" She asked with a pout.

"Lucas turned me down." I shrugged.

"I'm sure there was a reason why. Go talk to him!" Riley squealed. Before I could protest she shoved me towards him so I fell into his arms.

"Woah be careful Klutz." He chuckled steadying me.

"My bad Soaring Eagle." I sassed before walking away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him.

"You know Maya there's a reason I said no." He stated leaning towards me.

"And what would that be."

"Because I'm going to be the one to ask you out." He leaned in closer. "My moment will be my moment."

Lucas let me go and he walked away.

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