Maya Meets Boy

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"Revenge? Maya he's been here a day. What could you have against him?"

"Just trust me. I need your help to do this but I don't want Riley to get hurt." This got his attention.

"Maya what are you planning?"

"Something big. But lucky for you it will keep him away from Riley." Farkle studied my face. He was definitely thinking about helping me.

"I'm in." I squealed and hugged him.

"Uh guys?" Lucas spoke confused.

"They do this sometimes." Riley Said bringing Lucas attention back to her.

"Oh ok." I pulled away from Farkle and smiled.

"Thanks Farky." I laughed. He lightly shoved me.

"So guys." Riley piped up. We turned to her. "I invited Lucas to my party. I'm expecting you two to make him feel welcome and included in case I get side tracked." She smiled. I made eye contact with Farkle and nodded.

"It would be our pleasure." We both smiled and Lucas returned it clearly not noticing our fake sincerity.

"Yay! Also I want Lucas to be part of our group." My eyes went wide and by Rileys expression so did Farkles.

"Riles we barely know this guy. Are you sure?"

"Of course. Sure it's only been a day but I feel a real connection with him." She smiled again and grabbed his hand.

"Whatever you say Sunshine." I smiled grabbing Farkles hand. He squeezed mine. The bell rang and we all went to our classes.

At the end of the day Farkle met me at my locker not wanting to face Riley and Lucas alone.

"So Maya can I please have some more details of your plan?" He asked as I put my books away and grabbed my leather jacket.

"I'm going to make Huckleberry fall in love with me." I stated proudly. Farkle looked at me weirdly. "Then I'm going to break his heart. " Now he understood.

"Maya that's evil. I like it. But why?" I couldn't tell him the truth.

"I once dated a guy like him who broke my heart." I lied.

"But that wasn't him." Farkle protested.

"Just trust me Farky." I winked.

"Stop calling me that!" He whined. Riley and Lucas waved us over and we walked over smiling.

"Hey guys ready to go?" Riley smiled. We both nodded. The four of us headed to the subway. "So Farkle, I invited Smackle. " Riley giggled poking his stomach.

"Oh. Great." Isadora Smackle was a girl who had a huge crush on Farkle. She was really sweet and even smarter then he was but he remained in love with Riley.

"And Maya I invited Brandon." Riley squealed.

"Who's Brandon?" Lucas sounded slightly jealous. This plan would be easier then I thought.

"Just Maya's true love." Riley Said in an unusually sing songy voice.

"A guy Riley wants me to end up with, but I've got my eye on someone else." I winked at Lucas. Luckily Riley didn't notice but Lucas definitely did. He looked surprised and he blushed but quickly turned it into a smirk.

"My Uncle Josh? Maya he's too old for you! But...he might stop by tonight." Ths got my attention.

"Uncle Boing?" A devious smile came on my face.

"Your Uncle? Maya that's disgusting!" Lucas said still jealous but also grossed out.

"Shut up Ranger Rick." I rolled my eyes. The subway pulled up to our stop and we got off. As we walked towards Rileys apartment I slipped my hand into Lucas. He was shocked but didn't let go. Farkle was keeping Riley occupied so she wouldn't notice. I felt his breath on my ear as he leaned in to whisper something.

"I told you I'd grow on you."

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