Maya Meets the return

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The rest of break carried on but when school returned it felt as if no time had passed since that night with Lucas.

He refused to look at me and Riley kept giving me cold glares.

She had been mad because I supposedly broke the hearts of her uncle and her good friend.

Farkle had stayed by my side through it all. He knew the situation.

As we walked through the hallways we were approached by a surprising figure Zay Babineau.

"Well you did it. You broke his heart." He said. He didn't seem his usual chipper self.


"That was your plan all along wasn't? Y know, I know what we did to you sucked but this is an all new low." He was actually angry with me.

"I didn't break his heart. He only wanted the physical stuff." I told him. I knew it wasn't true. I still remember what he said to me that night. Those words made me rethink everything but it was too late.

"Yeah right. You broke him Maya. And you have to live with that." That repeated in my head for the rest of the day.

After school I was walking home with Farkle.

"Why am I so upset about this? This is what I wanted." I groaned running my hands through my hair.

"Maybe because you actually have feelings for him."

"OR maybe I'm still upset about Josh?" I suggested not even considering having real feelings for Lucas Friar.

"Maya we both knew things weren't going to work with Josh." I sighed knowing he was right.

"I have to go fix things with Lucas." I muttered terror seeping through my usually confident exterior. "But how?"

"I think you should tell him the truth...the whole truth." I dropped Farkle off at his pent house before getting to my house. There, I wallowed in self pity before deciding that I did have to tell Lucas everything.

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