Maya Meets An Ally

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After Zay left I ran to find Farkle. I needed to tell him the truth about everything. Now with Zay and Lucas both in New York my secret was closer to being exposed. And Farkle, at least, had to hear it from me.

I found him alone in the Chem lab. I closed the door and sat beside his station.

"Hey Lady." He said not taking his eyes off of his experiment.

"Farkle I need to talk to you. Preferably not when you have dangerous chemicals in your hands." I chuckled nervously. He put the beakers down and backed away from his station.

"I'm all ears." I took a deep breath.

"I've been keeping something from you for a long time and I need to tell you."

"Maya just spit it out." Farkle urged.

"My name isn't Maya Hart. Well it is now but it wasn't always. I've been lying to you about my past."

"You're from Texas. Not the Bronx." Farkle realized.


"Why you want to get revenge on Lucas, why you decided to tell me only after Zay arrived. It all makes sense."

"Right okay. Now you are free to ask any other questions you have about my life."

"What's your real name?" He questioned me.

"Just don't laugh." I warned.

"My name is Farkle Minkus I can't laugh." He sighed. He wasn't wrong.

"Penelope Clutterbucket." I could tell he was holding in a laugh. "If you ever call me that I will end you."

"Okay!" He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Does Riley know?"

"No. Only my mom, you and I know. And it better stay that way."

"Let me guess if I tell anyone, you will end me." Farkle laughed.

"You catch on quick."

"I have one last question." He announced.


"What did Lucas do to make you hate him so much?"

"When I was younger I was bullied. A lot. Mainly by Lucas and Zay. But one day he went to far. He cornered me against the lockers and kissed me. Against my will. Lucas stole my first kiss. Then he told me I was broken and no one would ever love me. I ran home and found my mom on her own, crying. My dad left her. Us. Lucas was right. So we moved to New York hoping to leave everything behind but of course, life sucks." I explained. When I finished speaking I looked up to see Farkle gaping at my story.

"I will destroy him." Farkle said bitterly.

"No you won't. But now you understand why I'm so determined to get revenge."

"I do. And I'm going to help you get it no matter what it takes."

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