Maya Meets The Forgiveness Project

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The next day Lucas avoided me even more. Riley on the other hand approached me.

"Maya..." She began as I listened intently. " I realize I've been unfair to you.I haven't heard your side of the story. So I'm giving you a chance." I didn't know a way to make this seem like I'm not the bad guy without telling her the whole truth.

"I've been lying to you since we met." 

"Wow. That's really helping your case." Riley muttered sarcastically.

"My name isn't Maya Hart. It's actually Penelope Clutterbucket. I grew up in Austin Texas. We left because A bully told me no one would ever love me the same day my dad abandoned my mom and I. SO we moved to new york. I changed my name, the way I looked and the way I acted. I thought my old life was behind me until Austin's own Lucas Friar moved to the big apple."

"Wait, Lucas was the bully? That's why you hated him so much. But then why were you flirting with him so much?"

"I made a plan to get back at Lucas. I wanted him to take back what he said. What he did...I wanted him to pay. I was going to get him to fall in love with me then I was going to break his heart. Then Josh came into the picture and I wanted things to work with him but I couldn't give up my plan. And I ended up hurting everyone." Then Riley did the unexpected. She slapped me.

"That was for hurting Josh." Tears welled in my eyes as she pulled me into a hug. " I'm so sorry Peaches. I missed you and I love you."

" I love you too Honey. But I should be the one apologizing." She pulled away and looped her arm through mine.

"Lets get to history...Also you're sleeping over tonight because I want all of the details."

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