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I was putting all my dance clothes into my dance bag. Man, I was so excited for dance today. It's been two whole months since I've been to dance, and boy did I miss it. Dance has always been a huge part of me, and it's my favorite and most comfortable way to express myself..I've never be one to express myself. I guess it's just because I'm shy, or maybe how I just don't really fit in that much. Just when I dance, I feel like I'm on a cloud. All my stress is lifted off of me, and I feel like I'm alone and free. I've been dancing for ten years. Started at seven, now I'm six-teen. When I dance, I feel like nobody's watching. I feel like no one is judging me and that I can be myself. I was out of dance for a while because of school. Too much homework every night. Even up to five hours of Algebra. More into the year, it got easier though.
Which is good.

Even though I love dance, I never really have been able to stay in the same academy. I'm always switching to a different dance place, and always moving into new classes. I hated it. And still do. Who would want to move away from people you've known for three years? Surely not me. Today would hopefully be different though. Maybe, even better. Every time I start a new academy, the dance teachers put so much stress on me. They expect me to be able to do back-handsprings, and just flip off of my fingers and roll. Yes I'm a dancer. And yes I'm flexible.
But I never agreed to do gymnastics. I try to explain that a gymnast isn't Me. Just, they seem to never understand..
So maybe today will be different...

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