|E I G H T E E N|

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"MARIO?" She asked loudly.


"Alex you and Mario are best friends, wants going on that is now making you blush?" She asked.

"I don't know mom. It's like when we were friends a few years ago, I never felt this way about him or anyone. Even at dance the first day, I didn't really have much feelings for him. I guess what's making me blush and my heart beat twenty times faster is the little cute things he says and does." I said.

I only live with my mom, sister, and our three dogs. My father left me when I was younger..He always cheated on my mother and he always let my sister and I down. My moms never let me date anyone though. Probably because I never even asked, and I didn't ask because no one ever liked me that way, and I never liked anyone that way either.
Now, I'm not sure.

"Alex you're at the age when we need to have "the talk." She said.



"No, the talk about Mario." She said.

The talk about Mario? There's a certain talk that's only about Mario? Why am I just know hearing this?

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Alex, Mario likes you." She said.

I kinda thought so by how nice he's been and everything he's doing but I didn't know for sure. It's like I didn't like him, then I liked him, and now I don't know.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Apparently Mario was talking about you all last night to his dad, and his dad called me and said
"Is Alex talking about Mario a lot to you too?" "

"But Alex?" She said.

"Yes mom?"

"Do you like Mario back?"

"Kinda. I mean he's a really good person. And he even gave me his sw- OH NO I NEVER GAVE IT BACK."

"GAVE WHAT BACK?" She asked.

"Mario's sweatshirt." I said.

I now felt bad.

"Mom, why are we having this talk. Am I not old enough to date or do you just not like Mario or are you just bored and wanted to talk?" I asked.

"That's a thing Alex. You've never dated anyone." She said.

Well that kinda hurt.
I felt like my own mom just called me ugly.

"I'm talking to you about this because Mario's a good guy Alex. You've never done anything bad either, well you've gotten in trouble when you were younger but I mean, you're a good kid. I trust you too. Mario also is a good kid and his parents and I are both really close. This talk is meant for me to tell you, if you ever had 100% feelings for Mario. I'm okay with you two being together." She said with a smile.

I kinda got happy and I was kinda confused. It's not like Mario asked me out or said he liked me for sure.

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