|T W E N T Y-E I G H T|

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Mario walked me home.

"So I'm no longer single now." He laughed.

"Same." I said.

"Thanks for saying yes." He said with a smile.

"Thank you for actually liking me." I said with a laugh.

"How could I not like you?" He asked with a wink.

I just smiled.

"Well text me if you need anything. I'm here for you always." He said.

"I will, and I'm always here for you too Mario." I said back.

Once I opened the door, my mom ran up to me.

"HOW WAS IT HOW WAS IT?" She asked.

"WE'RE DATING." I said.

"AWW ALEX IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO. Mario and you are perfect for each other." She said.

The rest of the night, I was so happy and I was texting Mario.

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