|F O U R T Y-N I N E|

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"I'VE HAD ENOUGH." Mario said in a really really really angry tone.

Mario was really mad...like extremely. I started to get worried that Mario was about to throw something at Julian.

They just kept fighting, and I could tell they were both being serious and both looked so mad. To be honest, it was starting to scare me. I've again, never seen Mario this upset before, I didn't know wha-

"GET OUT." Mario yelled at Julian.

Jovani was admiring a glass vase but when Mario yelled, Jovani ran.

At this point, I was actually scared of Mario.

"MAKE ME." Julian yelled back.

Mario and Julian started walking outside and once they all were outside. I just saw them all screaming at each other.

"I'm tired of you two." Mario said.

"What are you talking about Mario?" Julian asked.

"This is getting out of hand." Jovani said.

"I'm sick of it. I don't wanna deal with you two anymore." Mario said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOMIE?!" Jovani started to get worried.

"WAIT, are you saying you don't wanna even hang out anymore. Julian asked.

"You know what. That's exactly what I'm saying. You two are always fighting, Jovani you just had to be in inappropriate with Courtney at the movies, I knew you made Alex uncomfortable. Julian I get it that you're joking but in case you didn't notice, I'm now dating Alex, and I'm tired of you're "baby girl" jokes with her. I don't wanna hang around you two anymore." Mario said.

"Bro we can fix it." Jovani said.

"Mario I'm sorry." Julian said.

"No don't fix anything. You've done enough." Mario said.

"There's gotta be something we can do to make you realize we're sorry." Julian said.

"Leave." Mario said while looking down.

"What?" Jovani said in a sad tone.

"Mario are you serious?" Julian asked.

"Bye Julian and Jovani."

Mario slammed the door.

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