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Eventually, we stopped when Julian said.


Mario grabbed my hand and walked me into the limo. We sat together and he held my hand the whole ride there to the school. I still couldn't stop staring at him.

As we walked inside, it was maybe 15 or 20 minutes before GOOD songs came on. There was a lot of awkward songs that no one danced to.

A slow song came on, and Julian was seriously in the corner, eating his ham. Jovani was staring at Courtney, and I could tell he was nervous to ask her to dance..So I thought I would help.

"Hey, you should dance with Jovani." I said to Courtney.

"Oh, I don't think he wants to right now." She said.

"Really? Why don't you turn around." I said.

A few minutes went by, and Jovani and Courtney were slow dancing. It was actually really cute.

You could tell by the look they gave each other, that they really liked each other a lot.

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