|T H R E E|

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I hopped out of the seat, onto the concrete, and closed the car door. As I watched my mom drive away, I tried to remember everything she had told me. Especially the part about dancing like nobody is watching. It's now 4:57 p.m, and I'm walking towards the door. The front of this place is beautifully decorated. Hope it looks just as great inside.

I wasn't disappointed. It was gorgeous. The floor was so glossy and pearl like. The walls were shimmering on what looked like gold. And the ceiling..man, that ceiling. Was the most beautiful-est thing I've ever seen. Although, no one was there.

At the front desk, there was nobody. I didn't hear a single thing. I knew they weren't closed because the door wasn't locked, and all the lights are on. I just don't see anyone here.

I sat on the long, glass bench and I set my bag down. I tried to think of what to do while no one was there, but got distracted by a thump. A loud thump. As if someone dropped something in another room not too far. I jumped up from the bench, and my heart way pounding. Who was it? I thought.

I sat back down, and tried not to care. Except, now there was music playing...but dance music. Lovely music, more like an angelic kind. I got up from the bench again, headed to the brown door. I tried to tip toe, but I had boots on, and it was pretty loud every time I stepped down.

I turned the gold handle slightly, and cracked it open a bit.

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