|T W E N T Y-S I X|

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Once we were done eating, I helped Mario clean up.

"You don't have to go right now right?" He asked.

"No I can stay longer, why?" I said.

"I wanted to walk around a bit more with you." He said while looking down.

"We can." I said.

He lifted up his head and smiled.

That smile made my heart beat SO FAST.

We got up and started walking on the path.

Mario played the cutest trick on me ever, he must've seen it in a movie or something because it was adorable.

He raised he hand above mine as if he was holding a coin. He pretended like he had something in his hand to give me. I lifted my hand under his and opened my palm. He pretended to drop something into my hand, but he really just dropped his own hand on top of mine.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"So not that I didn't enjoy this, but what was all this for?" I asked him.

"Oh yea. That's the thing." He said while blushing.

"Alex?" He asked.


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